[ClusterLabs] Batch start (approx > 5) of systemd resources fail (exitreason='inactive')

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Wed Aug 28 18:03:52 UTC 2024

Thanks for the report, and sorry for the slow response.

There is a longstanding goal to improve systemd resource monitoring by
using DBus signals instead of polling the status:


There's a good chance that would avoid the need for the 2-second
polling at start and stop as well, which would take care of the most
significant problem here.

I've created a task for avoiding systemd reloads when unnecessary:


but that's unlikely to happen, since the executor creates the overrides
as each start or stop happens, and the executor has no knowledge of
what other starts or stops might be planned. It would be an intrusive
change to get that information where it's needed.

On Fri, 2024-07-05 at 12:27 +0200, Borja Macho wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have been experiencing this issue with Pacemaker running in Debian
> 12 (pacemaker 2.1.5-1+deb12u1) this is the information I found so
> far:
> The reload operation takes around 0.5s to finish:
> ```
> root at m1:~# time systemctl daemon-reload
> real    0m0.487s
> user    0m0.003s
> sys     0m0.009s
> ```
> Before starting the systemd resources pacemaker performs a reload (I
> guess that due to the override it adds to the unit file),
> when starting at the same time more than one systemd resource these
> reloads stack one on top of each other, delaying the actual start of
> the resources.
> In the log you can see 9 reloads (for 9 resources, wait5_2 to
> wait5_10 as they start concurrently after wait5_1) each spaced by
> ~0.5s: 
> ```
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.422759 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Result of start operation for wait5_1 on m1: ok 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.426589 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of monitor operation for wait5_1 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.427135 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_2 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.427581 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_3 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.427978 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_4 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.428375 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_5 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.428904 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_6 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.429259 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_7 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.429764 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Result of monitor operation for wait5_1 on m1: ok 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.430060 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_8 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.430501 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_9 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.430999 m1 pacemaker-controld[3088077]:  notice:
> Requesting local execution of start operation for wait5_10 on m1 
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.431668 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:15.845709 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:16.333209 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:16.857070 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:17.330217 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:17.859113 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:18.315644 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:18.749311 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:19.243338 m1 systemd[1]: Reloading.
> 2024-07-05T08:00:19.835406 m1 systemd[1]: Starting 
> wait_5_to_start at 10.service - Cluster Controlled wait_5_to_start at 10...
> ```
> That means around N times the reload time before the actual start of
> the systemd unit, being N the number of concurrent systemd resources
> started.
> Having a look at the code I saw a "hardcoded" maximum of 2 seconds
> (execd_commands.c -> action_complete() -> delay = QB_MIN(2000,
> delay);) between sending the start message to D-Bus and performing
> the first check, the problem lays in that when that first check is
> performed some of the systemd services have not yet been started,
> thus reporting the 'inactive' previous state, as is not yet
> activating.
> This delay can be seen in the re-scheduling of the monitor in the
> start operation:
> First resource started (failure):
> ```
> Jul 05 08:02:40.975 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (process_unit_method_reply)    debug: DBus request for start of
> wait5_2 using /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/639194 succeeded
> Jul 05 08:02:40.975 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (action_complete)              debug: wait5_2 start may still be in
> progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=487ms, remaining=99513ms,
> start_delay=2000ms)
> ```
> Last resource started (success):
> ```
> Jul 05 08:02:44.747 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (process_unit_method_reply)    debug: DBus request for start of
> wait5_10 using /org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/640170 succeeded
> Jul 05 08:02:44.747 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (action_complete)              debug: wait5_10 start may still be in
> progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=4259ms, remaining=95741ms,
> start_delay=2000ms)
> ```
> Thus any number of concurrent systemd resource starts greater than
> ceil(2/reload_time) is prone to failure.
> Some extra information:
> Resources that reached the activating status before those 2 seconds
> ran out succeeded to start as they reported 'activating' when the
> first monitor was performed:
> ```
> Jul 05 08:02:44.827 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074] (log_execute)  
>                debug: executing - rsc:wait5_6 action:monitor
> call_id:249
> Jul 05 08:02:44.827 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (services__execute_systemd)    debug: Performing asynchronous status
> op on systemd unit wait_5_to_start at 6 for resource wait5_6
> Jul 05 08:02:44.831 m1 pacemaker-execd     [3088074]
> (action_complete)               info: wait5_6 monitor is still in
> progress: re-scheduling (elapsed=4342ms, remaining=95658ms,
> start_delay=2000ms)
> ```
> The systemd service used for those tests:
> ```
> root at m1:~# systemctl cat wait_5_to_start at .service
> # /etc/systemd/system/wait_5_to_start at .service
> [Unit]
> Description=notify start after 5 seconds service %i
> [Service]
> Type=notify
> ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -c 'import time; import systemd.daemon;
> time.sleep(5); systemd.daemon.notify("READY=1"); time.sleep(86400)'
> ```
> How the resources were created (and tested):
> ```
> # for I in $(seq 1 10); do pcs resource create wait5_$I
> systemd:wait_5_to_start@$I op monitor interval="60s" timeout="100s"
> op start interval="0s" timeout="100s" op stop interval="0s"
> timeout="100s" --disabled; done
> # for I in $(seq 2 10); do pcs constraint colocation add wait5_$I
> with wait5_1 INFINITY; done
> # for I in $(seq 2 10); do pcs constraint order start wait5_1 then
> start wait5_$I kind=Mandatory; done
> # for I in $(seq 2 10); do pcs resource enable wait5_$I; done
> # pcs resource move wait5_1
> ```
> Best regards,
> Borja.
Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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