[ClusterLabs] Postgres clone resource does not get "notice" events

vitaly vitaly at unitc.com
Sat Jul 2 14:04:27 EDT 2022

Hello Everybody.
I have a 2 node cluster with clone resource “postgres-ms”. We are running following versions of pacemaker/corosync:
d19-25-left.lab.archivas.com ~ # rpm -qa | grep "pacemaker\|corosync"

There are couple of issues that could be related. 
1. There are following messages in the logs coming from pacemaker-controld:
Jul  2 14:59:27 d19-25-right pacemaker-controld[1489734]: error: Failed to receive meta-data for ocf:heartbeat:pgsql-rhino
Jul  2 14:59:27 d19-25-right pacemaker-controld[1489734]: warning: Failed to get metadata for postgres (ocf:heartbeat:pgsql-rhino)

2. ocf:heartbeat:pgsql-rhino does not get any "notice" operations which causes multiple issues with postgres synchronization during availability events. 

3. Item 2 raises another question. Who is setting these values:

Here is excerpt from cluster config:

d19-25-left.lab.archivas.com ~ # pcs config 

Cluster Name: 
Corosync Nodes:
 d19-25-right.lab.archivas.com d19-25-left.lab.archivas.com
Pacemaker Nodes:
 d19-25-left.lab.archivas.com d19-25-right.lab.archivas.com

 Clone: postgres-ms
  Meta Attrs: promotable=true target-role=started
  Resource: postgres (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=pgsql-rhino)
   Attributes: master_ip= node_list="d19-25-left.lab.archivas.com d19-25-right.lab.archivas.com" pgdata=/pg_data remote_wals_dir=/remote/walarchive rep_mode=sync reppassword=XXXXXX repuser=XXXXXXX restore_command="/opt/rhino/sil/bin/script_wrapper.sh wal_restore.py  %f %p" tmpdir=/pg_data/tmp wals_dir=/pg_data/pg_wal xlogs_dir=/pg_data/pg_xlog
   Meta Attrs: is-managed=true
   Operations: demote interval=0 on-fail=restart timeout=120s (postgres-demote-interval-0)
               methods interval=0s timeout=5 (postgres-methods-interval-0s)
               monitor interval=10s on-fail=restart timeout=300s (postgres-monitor-interval-10s)
               monitor interval=5s on-fail=restart role=Master timeout=300s (postgres-monitor-interval-5s)
               notify interval=0 on-fail=restart timeout=90s (postgres-notify-interval-0)
               promote interval=0 on-fail=restart timeout=120s (postgres-promote-interval-0)
               start interval=0 on-fail=restart timeout=1800s (postgres-start-interval-0)
               stop interval=0 on-fail=fence timeout=120s (postgres-stop-interval-0)
Thank you very much!

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