[ClusterLabs] -INFINITY location constraint not honored?

Raffaele Pantaleoni r.pantaleoni at seko.com
Thu Oct 17 02:22:36 EDT 2019


I'm rather new to Pacemaker, I'm performing early tests on a set of 
three virtual machines.

I am configuring the cluster in the following way:

3 nodes configured
4 resources configured


  ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started SRVDRSW01
  CouchIP        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started SRVDRSW03
  FrontEnd       (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started SRVDRSW01
  ITATESTSERVER-DIP      (ocf::nodejs:pm2):      Started SRVDRSW01

with the following constraints:

Location Constraints:
   Resource: ClusterIP
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW01 (score:200)
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW02 (score:100)
   Resource: CouchIP
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW02 (score:10)
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW03 (score:100)
     Disabled on: SRVRDSW01 (score:-INFINITY)
   Resource: FrontEnd
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW01 (score:200)
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW02 (score:100)
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW01 (score:200)
     Enabled on: SRVRDSW02 (score:100)
Ordering Constraints:
   start ClusterIP then start FrontEnd (kind:Mandatory)
   start ClusterIP then start ITATESTSERVER-DIP (kind:Mandatory)
Colocation Constraints:
   FrontEnd with ClusterIP (score:INFINITY)

I've configured the cluster with an opt in strategy using the following 

crm_attribute --name symmectric-cluster --update false

pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= 
cidr_netmask=16 op monitor interval=30s
pcs resource create CouchIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= 
cidr_netmask=16 op monitor interval=30s
pcs resource create FrontEnd ocf:heartbeat:nginx 
pcs resource create ITATESTSERVER-DIP ocf:nodejs:pm2 user=ITATESTSERVER 

pcs constraint colocation add FrontEnd with ClusterIP INFINITY
pcs constraint colocation add FrontEnd with ITATESTSERVER-DIP INFINITY

pcs constraint order ClusterIP then FrontEnd
pcs constraint order ClusterIP then ITATESTSERVER-DIP

pcs constraint location ClusterIP prefers SRVRDSW01=200
pcs constraint location ClusterIP prefers SRVRDSW02=100

pcs constraint location CouchIP prefers SRVRDSW02=10
pcs constraint location CouchIP prefers SRVRDSW03=100

pcs constraint location FrontEnd prefers SRVRDSW01=200
pcs constraint location FrontEnd prefers SRVRDSW02=100

pcs constraint location ITATESTSERVER-DIP prefers SRVRDSW01=200
pcs constraint location ITATESTSERVER-DIP prefers SRVRDSW02=100

Everything seems to be ok but when I put vm 02 and 03 in standby I'd 
expect CouchIP not be assigned to vm 01 beacuse of the constraint.

The IPaddr2 resource gets assigned to vm 01 no matter what.

Node SRVDRSW02: standby
Node SRVDRSW03: standby
Online: [ SRVDRSW01 ]

Full list of resources:

  ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started SRVDRSW01
  CouchIP        (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started SRVDRSW01
  FrontEnd       (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started SRVDRSW01
  ITATESTSERVER-DIP      (ocf::nodejs:pm2):      Started SRVDRSW01

crm_simulate -sL returns the follwoing


native_color: CouchIP allocation score on SRVDRSW01: 0
native_color: CouchIP allocation score on SRVDRSW02: 0
native_color: CouchIP allocation score on SRVDRSW03: 0

Why is that? I have explicitly assigned -INFINITY to CouchIP resource 
related to node SRVDRSW01 (as stated by pcs constraint: Disabled on: 
SRVRDSW01 (score:-INFINITY) ).
What am I missing or doing wrong?

Raffaele Pantaleoni

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