[ClusterLabs] cleanup of a resource leads to restart of Virtual Domains

Lentes, Bernd bernd.lentes at helmholtz-muenchen.de
Wed Oct 2 07:21:43 EDT 2019

----- Am 1. Okt 2019 um 14:29 schrieb Yan Gao YGao at suse.com:

> On 10/1/19 1:37 PM,  Lentes, Bernd  wrote:
>> ----- On Oct 1, 2019, at 12:26 PM, Yan Gao YGao at suse.com wrote:

>> Currently i'm running SLES 12 SP4. Is it worth thinking about Updating to SLES
>> 15 SP1 ?
> There's always benefits of upgrade. But it's up to you whether to
> upgrade because of this :-)
> At least SLE12 SP4 received the fix of pengine which is more significant
> for your issue. But the changed/improved behavior of "crm_resource -C"
> commandline won't likely be introduced for SLE12 releases for keeping
> compatibility.

And a lot of other improvements in the future will not be backported to older versions ?


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