[ClusterLabs] (no subject)

Alex Crow alex at nanogherkin.com
Mon Mar 11 17:28:03 EDT 2019

On 11/03/2019 21:18, Full Name wrote:
>      I am a complete newbie here, so please bear with me, if I ask something stupid and/or obvious.
>      I have been able to deploy and configure the software across three nodes, each running on a separate Virtual Box VM. Following the steps mentioned in the  Clusters from Scratch document, I added a resource by means of the command
>        pcs resource create ClusterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s
> This works fine, in that I can, say, SSH into, as long as any of the nodes is still up and running; effectively, I will be logged into one of them, depending on the status of the nodes.
>      In the command line above, my understanding is that IPaddr2 is a script associated with the resource;  heartbeat is essentially tells the cluster where to find the script; and ocf is a standard that the script is supposed to comply with.
>      The thing is, I need to integrate an application of my own into this framework.  Can anybody point me in the right direction as to how to do this? I have done
Easiest way is to make sure your app can run as a daemon and set up an 
init script or systemd config for it. This I have to say is where 
systemd makes things easier. Then just add it as a systemd or sysv 
resource in your setup.

Insert pointless drivel here.

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