[ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: Resource not starting correctly

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Tue Apr 16 02:28:25 EDT 2019

>>> Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com> schrieb am 16.04.2019 um 00:30 in
<144df656215fc1ed6b3a35cffd1cbd2436f2a785.camel at redhat.com>:
> The cluster successfully probed the service on both nodes, and started
> it on node one. It then tried to start a 30‑second recurring monitor
> for the service, but the monitor immediately failed (the expected
> result was running, but the monitor said it was not running).

Using the ocf-tester for own agents is highly recommended IMHO. Here is some
old script of mine that I used to check my own multipath agent:
if [ "$1" = "manual" ]; then
    OCF_ROOT=/usr/lib/ocf OCF_RESOURCE_INSTANCE=multipath \
        OCF_RESKEY_mapname="3600508b4001085e30000f000034d0000" \
        OCF_RESKEY_check_depth="10" \
        OCF_RESKEY_iosched="noop" \
        OCF_RESKEY_map_delay="5" \
        OCF_RESKEY_udev_timeout="33" \
        $RA "$@"
    echo "Exit status is $?"
    /usr/sbin/ocf-tester -n multipath \
        -o mapname="3600508b4001085e30000f000034d0000" \
        -o check_depth="10" \
        -o iosched="noop" \
        -o map_delay="5" \
        -o udev_timeout="33" \
So you can do a "./script manual start|stop|monitor", or let ocf-tester check
the whole orchestra ;-)



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