[ClusterLabs] fence-agents-all missing some agents

Digimer lists at alteeve.ca
Thu Feb 1 01:59:51 EST 2018

On RHEL 7 (and possible elsewhere), 'fence-agents-all' doesn't install
the following;

fence-agents-virsh.x86_64      4.0.11-66.el7_4.3              updates
fence-sanlock.x86_64           3.5.0-1.el7                    base
fence-virtd.x86_64             0.3.2-12.el7                   base
fence-virtd-libvirt.x86_64     0.3.2-12.el7                   base
fence-virtd-multicast.x86_64   0.3.2-12.el7                   base
fence-virtd-serial.x86_64      0.3.2-12.el7                   base
fence-virtd-tcp.x86_64         0.3.2-12.el7                   base

Is this intentional?

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