[Pacemaker] [Question:crmsh] About a setting method of seuquential=true in crmsh.

renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp
Fri Feb 7 00:21:12 UTC 2014

Hi Kristoffer,

In RHEL6.4, crmsh-c8f214020b2c gives the next error and cannot install it.

Does a procedure of any installation have a problem?


[root at srv01 crmsh-c8f214020b2c]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)

[root at srv01 crmsh-c8f214020b2c]# ./autogen.sh
[root at srv01 crmsh-c8f214020b2c]# ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
[root at srv01 crmsh-c8f214020b2c]# make install
Making install in doc
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/crmsh-c8f214020b2c/doc'
a2x -f manpage crm.8.txt
WARNING: crm.8.txt: line 621: missing [[cmdhelp_._status] section
WARNING: crm.8.txt: line 3935: missing [[cmdhelp_._report] section
./crm.8.xml:3137: element refsect1: validity error : Element refsect1 content does not follow the DTD, expecting (refsect1info? , (title , subtitle? , titleabbrev?) , (((calloutlist | glosslist | bibliolist | itemizedlist | orderedlist | segmentedlist | simplelist | variablelist | caution | important | note | tip | warning | literallayout | programlisting | programlistingco | screen | screenco | screenshot | synopsis | cmdsynopsis | funcsynopsis | classsynopsis | fieldsynopsis | constructorsynopsis | destructorsynopsis | methodsynopsis | formalpara | para | simpara | address | blockquote | graphic | graphicco | mediaobject | mediaobjectco | informalequation | informalexample | informalfigure | informaltable | equation | example | figure | table | msgset | procedure | sidebar | qandaset | task | anchor | bridgehead | remark | highlights | abstract | authorblurb | epigraph | indexterm | beginpage)+ , refsect2*) | refsect2+)), got (title simpara simpara
 simpara simpara literallayout refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 simpara simpara simpara literallayout simpara literallayout refsect2 refsect2 refsect2 )
a2x: failed: xmllint --nonet --noout --valid "./crm.8.xml"
make[1]: *** [crm.8] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/crmsh-c8f214020b2c/doc'
make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1


The same error seems to be given in latest crmsh-cc52dc69ceb1.

Best Regards,
Hideo Yamauchi.

--- On Thu, 2014/2/6, Kristoffer Grönlund <kgronlund at suse.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 5 Feb 2014 23:17:36 +0900 (JST)
> renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp wrote:
> > Hi Kristoffer.
> > 
> > Thank you for comments.
> > We wait for a correction.
> > 
> > Many Thanks!
> > Hideo Yamauchi.
> > 
> Hello,
> A fix for this issue has now been committed as changeset c8f214020b2c,
> please let me know if it solves the problem for you.
> This construction should now generate the correct XML:
> colocation rsc_colocation-grpPg-clnPing INFINITY: \
>     [ msPostgresql:Master sequential=true ] \
>     [ vip-master vip-rep sequential=true ]
> Thank you,
> -- 
> // Kristoffer Grönlund
> // kgronlund at suse.com

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