[Pacemaker] [Question:crmsh] About a setting method of seuquential=true in crmsh.

Kristoffer Grönlund kgronlund at suse.com
Thu Feb 6 08:13:35 UTC 2014

On Wed, 5 Feb 2014 23:17:36 +0900 (JST)
renayama19661014 at ybb.ne.jp wrote:

> Hi Kristoffer.
> Thank you for comments.
> We wait for a correction.
> Many Thanks!
> Hideo Yamauchi.


A fix for this issue has now been committed as changeset c8f214020b2c,
please let me know if it solves the problem for you.

This construction should now generate the correct XML:

colocation rsc_colocation-grpPg-clnPing INFINITY: \
    [ msPostgresql:Master sequential=true ] \
    [ vip-master vip-rep sequential=true ]

Thank you,

// Kristoffer Grönlund
// kgronlund at suse.com

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