[Pacemaker] Dual-Primary DRBD with OCFS2 on SLES 11 SP1

Darren.Mansell at opengi.co.uk Darren.Mansell at opengi.co.uk
Thu Sep 29 13:13:35 UTC 2011

(Originally sent to DRBD-user, reposted here as it may be more relevant)


Hello all.


I'm implementing a 2-node cluster using Corosync/Pacemaker/DRBD/OCFS2
for dual-primary shared FS.


I've followed the instructions on the DRBD applications site and it
works really well.


However, if I 'pull the plug' on a node, the other node continues to
operate the clones, but the filesystem is locked and inaccessible (the
monitor op works for the filesystem, but fails for the OCFS2 resource.)


If I do a reboot one node, there are no problems and I can continue to
access the OCFS2 FS.


After I pull the plug:


Online: [ test-odp-02 ]

OFFLINE: [ test-odp-01 ]


Resource Group: Load-Balancing

     Virtual-IP-ODP     (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started

     Virtual-IP-ODPWS   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started

     ldirectord (ocf::heartbeat:ldirectord):    Started test-odp-02

Master/Slave Set: ms_drbd_ocfs2 [p_drbd_ocfs2]

     Masters: [ test-odp-02 ]

     Stopped: [ p_drbd_ocfs2:1 ]

Clone Set: cl-odp [odp]

     Started: [ test-odp-02 ]

     Stopped: [ odp:1 ]

Clone Set: cl-odpws [odpws]

     Started: [ test-odp-02 ]

     Stopped: [ odpws:1 ]

Clone Set: cl_fs_ocfs2 [p_fs_ocfs2]

     Started: [ test-odp-02 ]

     Stopped: [ p_fs_ocfs2:1 ]

Clone Set: cl_ocfs2mgmt [g_ocfs2mgmt]

     Started: [ test-odp-02 ]

     Stopped: [ g_ocfs2mgmt:1 ]


Failed actions:

    p_o2cb:0_monitor_10000 (node=test-odp-02, call=19, rc=-2,
status=Timed Out): unknown

exec error



test-odp-02:~ # mount

/dev/drbd0 on /opt/odp type ocfs2


test-odp-02:~ # ls /opt/odp

...just hangs forever...


If I then power test-odp-01 back on, everything fails back fine and the
ls command suddenly completes.


It seems to me that OCFS2 is trying to talk to the node that has
disappeared and doesn't time out. Does anyone have any ideas? (attached
CRM and DRBD configs)


Many thanks.


Darren Mansell


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