[Pacemaker] Exec Failure issues.

Florian Haas florian at hastexo.com
Tue Oct 18 19:11:30 EDT 2011

On 2011-10-18 19:38, James Horsfall (CTR) wrote:
> Hello all, I’m having some problems getting resources to fail over
> properly I need the IP’s to swith to a different node when it cannot ping.
> We’re doing a “shut” on the respective interfaces to simulate cables
> being unplugged but I keep getting exec timeouts and unknown errors.

ETH2_stop_0 (node=sgn-pau-hub0, call=12, rc=3, status=complete):
unimplemented feature

That's a failed stop with fencing disabled. That's always going to
freeze the cluster. Set up STONITH.

And the reason it's failing is that, at the risk of stating the obvious,
you're trying to invoke a feature that is not implemented in IPaddr2:

primitive ETH2 ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
	meta allow-migrate="true" is-managed="true"

Who or what prompted you to set the "allow-migrate" meta attribute here?


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