[Pacemaker] [pacemaker] Quorum in even numbered Cluster

Digimer linux at alteeve.com
Thu May 26 14:05:27 EDT 2011

On 05/26/2011 01:57 PM, Roman Schartlmüller wrote:
> Hi,
> please explain me, how a pacemaker cluster, with an
> even number of nodes, selects quorum when the cluster splits
> into two evenly parts. For example a four-node-cluster breaks into two
> partitions each with two nodes.
> Best regards,
> Roman

It can't; Neither partition will gain quorum so both sides would lose
quorum and stop providing clustered services.

Quorum is 50% + 1. Adding a fifth node or using something like quroum
disk (qdisk) to act as a tie-breaker would help.

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