[Pacemaker] using ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain...

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Mon May 23 14:31:48 EDT 2011

Hello everybody,

I am trying to get VirtualDomain working between two KVM host nodes.

crm ra info ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain

Parameters (* denotes required, [] the default):
config* (string): Virtual domain configuration file
    Absolute path to the libvirt configuration file,
    for this virtual domain.

http://paste.debian.net/117784/ #complete crm config

primitive kvm_evelyn ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain \
        params config="/etc/libvirt/qemu/evelyn.powercraft.nl.xml" \
        hypervisor="qemu://:222/system" migration_transport="ssh" \
        meta allow-migrate="true" \
        op start timeout="120s" \
        op stop timeout="180s" \
        op monitor depth="0" timeout="30" interval="10"

So I first imported the VM with virt-install on both nodes. This way
they were defined on both nodes. But if VirtualDomain tries to migrate
it fails with the error:

May 23 20:01:55 hennessy lrmd: [10885]: info: RA output:
(kvm_oakley:migrate_to:stderr) error: operation failed: domain
'oakley.powercraft.nl' already exists with uuid

The libvirt people tell me I have to undefine the domain... so I did

# connection and general info and the migration tests
# capabilities
# trial and error when "undefine" the domain on the other node

The migration seems to work but now the VirtualDomain state becomes
"unmanaged" and I have no control anymore

May 23 20:13:43 viktoriya VirtualDomain[26100]: ERROR: Configuration
file /etc/libvirt/qemu/evelyn.powercraft.nl.xml does not exist or is not

How should I use the VirtualDomain RA?

Thanks in advance,

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

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