[Pacemaker] LSB RA: unknown error

Nikita Michalko michalko.system at a-i-p.com
Tue Jul 12 13:54:38 UTC 2011

Hi all!

I know there was already similar thread in the past on this ML, but I 
found nothing to solve my problem.
Just short problem description:
Simple 2 nodes-cluster with 12 LSB resources in 2 groups (and 2 extra 
IPMI's) -see configuration attached. All is working well until the start 
of the 5-th resource  (in the second group) fails - with rc=1.  
lrmd/crmd shows immediately after failed start "unknown error" and attrd 
sets the fail-count  for this resource (ubis_alarmmelder_1) to  
INFINITY. What are the (typical) reasons or possibilities for such 
error? Where should I searching?
pacemaker :     1.1.5 (Build: c86cb93c5a57c1f507a21be69d24fd28dee85397)
cluster-glue :     1.0.7 (Build: 6fa74ce2ed7ef6df41be2b634cd4aa89c318a8dc)
resource-agents: 1.0.4 (Build: 7a11934b142d1daf42a04fbaa0391a3ac47cee4c)
heartbeat:        3.0.5


Nikita Michalko

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