[Pacemaker] Pacemaker/Corosync logging gone wild

eric kapoor eric.Kapoor at swisslog.com
Tue Jul 5 20:36:01 UTC 2011



I am having difficulty with the logging in Pacemaker. Although I have
set the logging, at the moment, to "err" and told it not to write to a
file I am still getting hammered by messages. My /var file is being
filled rapidly by the messages file from pengine all the way from
"notice" level on up. I can't stop it. It looks to have run amok. I have
restarted corosync many times and even rebooted. 


SLSE11 SP1 latest release on everything.




aisexec {

        #Group to run aisexec as. Needs to be root for Pacemaker


        group:  root


        #User to run aisexec as. Needs to be root for Pacemaker


        user:   root



service {

        #Default to start mgmtd with pacemaker


        use_mgmtd:      yes


        ver:    0


        name:   pacemaker



totem {

        #The mode for redundant ring. None is used when only 1 interface
specified, otherwise, only active or passive may be choosen


        rrp_mode:       active


        #How long to wait for join messages in membership protocol. in


        join:   60


        #The maximum number of messages that may be sent by one
processor on receipt of the token.


        max_messages:   20


        #The virtual synchrony filter type used to indentify a primary
component. Change with care.


        vsftype:        none


        #Timeout for a token lost. in ms


        token:  5000


        #How long to wait for consensus to be achieved before starting a
new round of membership configuration.


        consensus:      6000


        #HMAC/SHA1 should be used to authenticate all message


        secauth:        on


        #How many token retransmits should be attempted before forming a
new configuration.


        token_retransmits_before_loss_const:    10


        #How many threads should be used to encypt and sending message.
Only have meanings when secauth is turned on


        threads:        24


        #The only valid version is 2


        version:        2


        interface {

                #Network Address to be bind for this interface setting




                #The multicast address to be used




                #The multicast port to be used


                mcastport:      694


                #The ringnumber assigned to this interface setting


                ringnumber:     0



        interface {

                #Network Address to be bind for this interface setting




                #The multicast address to be used




                #The multicast port to be used


                mcastport:      696


                #The ringnumber assigned to this interface setting


                ringnumber:     1



        #To make sure the auto-generated nodeid is positive


        clear_node_high_bit:    yes



logging {

        #Log to a specified file


        to_logfile:     no


        #Log to the standard error output


        to_stderr:      no


        #Log timestamp as well


        timestamp:      off


        #Facility in syslog


        syslog_facility:        daemon


        #Log to syslog


        to_syslog:      no


        #Whether or not turning on the debug information in the log


        debug:  off


        #Log to be saved in this specified file


        logfile:        /var/log/corosync.log


        #Logging file line in the source code as well


        fileline:       off


        logfile_priority:        err


        syslog_priority:         err



amf {

        #Enable or disable AMF


        mode:   disable




  ** END **


Kind regards,





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