[Pacemaker] Doc: Resource templates

Gao,Yan ygao at suse.com
Mon Dec 12 09:04:45 UTC 2011

On 12/12/11 15:55, Gao,Yan wrote:
> Hi,
> As some people have noticed, we've provided a new feature "Resource
> templates" since pacemaker-1.1.6. I made a document about it which is
> meant to be included into "Pacemaker_Explained". I borrowed the
> materials from Tanja Roth , Thomas Schraitle, (-- the documentation
> specialists from SUSE) and Dejan Muhamedagic. Thanks to them!
> Attaching it here first. If you are interested, please help review it.
> And if anyone would like to help convert it into DocBook and made a
> patch, I would be much appreciate. :-)
> I can tell people would like to see a crm shell version of it as well.
> I'll sort it out and post it here soon.
Attached the crm shell version of the document.

Gao,Yan <ygao at suse.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, SUSE.
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