[Pacemaker] Doc: Resource templates

Gao,Yan ygao at suse.com
Mon Dec 12 07:55:22 UTC 2011

As some people have noticed, we've provided a new feature "Resource
templates" since pacemaker-1.1.6. I made a document about it which is
meant to be included into "Pacemaker_Explained". I borrowed the
materials from Tanja Roth , Thomas Schraitle, (-- the documentation
specialists from SUSE) and Dejan Muhamedagic. Thanks to them!

Attaching it here first. If you are interested, please help review it.
And if anyone would like to help convert it into DocBook and made a
patch, I would be much appreciate. :-)

I can tell people would like to see a crm shell version of it as well.
I'll sort it out and post it here soon.

Gao,Yan <ygao at suse.com>
Software Engineer
China Server Team, SUSE.
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