[Pacemaker] RHEL6 / Scientific Linux 6: cluster-glue no longer includes stonith agents?

mark - pacemaker list m+pacemaker at nerdish.us
Tue Aug 23 22:19:02 UTC 2011


I'm trying to replicate a cluster I initially built for testing on CentOS
5.6, but with the fresher packages that come along with a 6.x release.
 CentOS is still playing catch-up, so their 6.0 pacemaker packages are a bit
older.  Based on that, I figured I'd try Scientific Linux 6.1 since it's the
closest to current I can get being non-licensed for RHEL.

My previous iteration of the cluster was heartbeat/pacemaker, but since
pacemaker is now included as part of the stock repos I figured I'd stick
with those only, which means cman/corosync/pacemaker.  I have things working
pretty much as I want, but still with stonith disabled because I have no
stonith agents available in pacemaker at all.  If I do "crm ra list
stonith", it comes back empty (where on 5.6 I have numerous agents to choose
from).  Looking at the older 5.6 nodes, I can see that the stonith agents
mostly (or all?) came from the cluster-glue package, which I do have
installed on the new cluster nodes as well.  The newer cluster-glue packages
just don't contain any stonith agents.

Am I approaching this incorrectly, and I'm supposed to handle fencing in
corosync (which does have tons of stonith bits installed with it)?  If so,
how do I tell pacemaker to fire off a fencing task via corosync?  Am I
supposed to configure pacemaker to use corosync's stonith commands?

Any pointers appreciated,
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