[Pacemaker] Dependency Loop Errors in Log

Bobbie Lind blind at sms-fed.com
Mon Aug 8 16:36:51 UTC 2011

I have 6 servers with three sets of 2 failover pairs. So 2 servers for one
pair, 2 servers for another pair etc.  I am trying to configure this under
one pacemaker instance.

I changed from using Resource groups because the resources are not dependent
on each other, just located together.

I have 4 dummy resources that are used to help with colocation.

The following configuration works as designed when I first start up
pacemaker but when I try and run failover tests that's when things get

Here is the relevant snippet of my configuration that shows the location and
colocation set up.  As well as what I *think* I am asking it to do.

** Setting up dummy resources
primitive anchorOSS1 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
primitive anchorOSS2 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
primitive anchorOSS3 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy
primitive anchorOSS4 ocf:heartbeat:Dummy

** Creating the order dependent resource group
group MDSgroup resMDTLVM resMDT0000

** Setting up my two node failover.  The primary getting 500 points and the
secondary getting 250 points.
location locMDSprimary MDSgroup 500: s02ns070
location locMDSsecondary MDSgroup 250: s02ns090
location locOSS1primary anchorOSS1 500: s02ns030.dsd.net
location locOSS1secondary anchorOSS1 250: s02ns50
location locOSS2primary anchorOSS2 500: s02ns040
location locOSS2secondary anchorOSS2 250: s02ns060
location locOSS3primary anchorOSS3 500: s02ns050
location locOSS3secondary anchorOSS3 250: s02ns030.dsd.net
location locOSS4primary anchorOSS4 500: s02ns060
location locOSS4secondary anchorOSS4 250: s02ns040

** Ensuring that the resources from one failover node do not start up on the
other nodes giving -500 points.
** failover pairs are MDSgroup, OSS1/OSS3, and OSS2/OSS4
colocation colocMDSOSS1 -500: anchorOSS1 MDSgroup
colocation colocMDSOSS2 -500: anchorOSS2 MDSgroup
colocation colocMDSOSS3 -500: anchorOSS3 MDSgroup
colocation colocMDSOSS4 -500: anchorOSS4 MDSgroup
colocation colocOSS1MDS -500: MDSgroup anchorOSS1
colocation colocOSS2MDS -500: MDSgroup anchorOSS2
colocation colocOSS3MDS -500: MDSgroup anchorOSS3
colocation colocOSS4MDS -500: MDSgroup anchorOSS4
colocation colocOSS2OSS1 -500: anchorOSS1 anchorOSS2
colocation colocOSS4OSS1 -500: anchorOSS1 anchorOSS4
colocation colocOSS1OSS2 -500: anchorOSS2 anchorOSS1
colocation colocOSS3OSS2 -500: anchorOSS2 anchorOSS3
colocation colocOSS2OSS3 -500: anchorOSS3 anchorOSS2
colocation colocOSS4OSS3 -500: anchorOSS3 anchorOSS4
colocation colocOSS1OSS4 -500: anchorOSS4 anchorOSS1
colocation colocOSS3OSS4 -500: anchorOSS4 anchorOSS3

** Setting up all relevant resources to run together.  This is where the
dummy/anchor resource comes into play
colocation colocOSS1group inf: ( resOST0000 resOST0004 resOST0008 resOST000c
resOST0010 resOST0014 resOST0018 resOST001c resOST0020 resOST0024 resOST0028
resOST002c resOST0030 resOST0034 resOST0038 resOST003c resOST0040 resOST0044
resOST0048 resOST004c resOST0050 resOST0054 resOST0058 resOST005c resOST0060
resOST0064 resOST0068 resOST006c resOST0070 resOST0074 ) anchorOSS1
colocation colocOSS2group inf: ( resOST0001 resOST0005 resOST0009 resOST000d
resOST0011 resOST0015 resOST0019 resOST001d resOST0021 resOST0025 resOST0029
resOST002d resOST0031 resOST0035 resOST0039 resOST003d resOST0041 resOST0045
resOST0049 resOST004d resOST0051 resOST0055 resOST0059 resOST005d resOST0061
resOST0065 resOST0069 resOST006d resOST0071 resOST0075 ) anchorOSS2
colocation colocOSS3group inf: ( resOST0002 resOST0006 resOST000a resOST000e
resOST0012 resOST0016 resOST001a resOST001e resOST0022 resOST0026 resOST002a
resOST002e resOST0032 resOST0036 resOST003a resOST003e resOST0042 resOST0046
resOST004a resOST004e resOST0052 resOST0056 resOST005a resOST005e resOST0062
resOST0066 resOST006a resOST006e resOST0072 ) anchorOSS3
colocation colocOSS4group inf: ( resOST0003 resOST0007 resOST000b resOST000f
resOST0013 resOST0017 resOST001b resOST001f resOST0023 resOST0027 resOST002b
resOST002f resOST0033 resOST0037 resOST003b resOST003f resOST0043 resOST0047
resOST004b resOST004f resOST0053 resOST0057 resOST005b resOST005f resOST0063
resOST0067 resOST006b resOST006f resOST0073 ) anchorOSS4

** Resource-Stickiness

One of the issues I am running into is the logs are giving me dependency
loop errors.  Here is a snippet but it does this for all the anchor/dummy
resources and the LVM resource(from MDSgroup)

Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at MDSgroup
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at MDSgroup
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at anchorOSS1
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at MDSgroup
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at anchorOSS2
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at MDSgroup
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at anchorOSS1
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at anchorOSS3
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at MDSgroup
Aug 08 11:05:56 s02ns070 pengine: [32677]: info: rsc_merge_weights:
anchorOSS1: Breaking dependency loop at anchorOSS1

I think these dependency loops are what's causing the other quirky behavior
I have of resources failing to the wrong server.

I'm not sure where the dependency loop is coming from, but I'm sure it has
something to do with my configuration and score setup.

Any help deciphering this would be greatly appreciated.

Bobbie Lind
Systems Engineer
*Solutions Made Simple, Inc (SMSi)* <blind at sms-fed.com>
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