[Pacemaker] AP9606 fencing device

Pavlos Parissis pavlos.parissis at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 18:15:09 UTC 2010

On 27 October 2010 19:46, Pavlos Parissis <pavlos.parissis at gmail.com> wrote:

> I did more testing using the clone type of fencing and worked as I
> expected.
> test1 hack init script to return 1 on stop and run a crm resource move on
> that resource
> result node it was fenced and resource was started on the other node
> test2 using firewall to break the heartbeat links on node with resource
> result node it was fenced and resource was started on the other node
> As Dejan suggested I am going to run the same type of tests when 1 fence
> resource is used.
> In this test I will try to cause a fencing on the node which has fencing
> resource running on it and see if pacemaker moves the resource before it
> fences the node.
I did the same tests without cloning and pacemaker moves fencing resource
before triggers a reboot on the node where fencing resource was running.
So, cloning fencing resource and having just one fence resource have the
same behaviour! at least for these 2 tests.
now I don't know which configuration solution I should choose!

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