[Pacemaker] cluster attempting to stop resources that aren't installed

Luke Bigum lbigum at iseek.com.au
Thu Sep 24 05:53:28 UTC 2009

Hi all,

I have a problem with a four node asymmetric CentOS 5 pacemaker 1.0.5 / heartbeat 3.0.0 cluster.

Two nodes are for ldirectord, the other two for services, currently only DNS while testing. My problem is that CRM / LRM thinks that an ocf:heartbeat:ldirectord resource is running on the dns nodes and is attempting to stop / cleanup the resource when there isn't any ldirectord software installed or configured on these nodes. This fails, putting the resource in an unmanaged state. Reset fail counts  and clean it up again and it repeats the same thing - tries to stop the resource and goes unmanaged.

At the moment there's no location constraint so the resource shouldn't try run anywhere (asymmetric), however I did have one before with the same result: the cluster would attempt to do "something" with ldirectord on the DNS nodes and get itself unmanaged. This is the XML I had for that constraint:

<rsc_location id="bne-ldirectord-loc" rsc="bne-ldirectord">
<rule boolean-op="and" id="bne-ldirectord-loc-rule" score="+INFINITY">
<expression attribute="anycast-server-location" id="bne-ldirectord-loc-rule-anycast-server-location" operation="eq" value="brisbane"/>
<expression attribute="anycast-server-type" id="bne-ldirectord-loc-rule-anycast-server-type" operation="eq" value="lb"/>

I've experimented with lrmadmin -D on the offending nodes but no success. Basically the only way I can return the cluster to a nicely managed state is to install ldirectord on the DNS nodes and touch an empty configuration file, but I don't really want to do this, especially if I plan on putting many different kinds of services on this cluster.

I vaguely remember reading about someone with a similar problem but I can't find that post. Attached is a hb_report if you'd like to peruse. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Luke Bigum
Systems Administrator
 (p) 1300 661 668
 (f)  1300 661 540
(e)  lbigum at iseek.com.au<mailto:lbigum at iseek.com.au>
Level 1, 100 Ipswich Road Woolloongabba QLD 4102

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