[Pacemaker] Can I edit apache configuration file using pacemaker?

Dejan Muhamedagic dejanmm at fastmail.fm
Fri Oct 23 14:46:13 UTC 2009


On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 04:02:47PM +0200, gilberto migliavacca wrote:
> Hi Dejan
> so, do you think that I cannot create a resource agent that
> modify the confiuration file of a tool (e.g. modjk)?

Of course you can.

> or can I create a resource agent that will edit a configuration file
> and restart the service?

Which service? Is that another cluster resource? In that case no.
You may try to nudge the CRM to do the resource reload (by
changing some resource parameter), if the resource agents
supports reloads.



> thanks in advance
> gilberto
> Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 07:25:27PM +0200, gilberto migliavacca wrote:
> >>Hi
> >>
> >>I have this problem and I'd like to know if I can solve
> >>it using pacemaker
> >>
> >>I have 2 nodes with apache + modjk  + tomcat on both nodes,
> >>moreover the modjk components point to the tomcat on both nodes
> >>in this way the configuration (worker.properties) file of the modjk
> >>keeps the information about the tomcat on the 2 nodes.
> >>
> >>something like:
> >>
> >>apache                   apache
> >>modjk----       ----  modjk
> >>              \     /
> >>                \ /
> >>tomcat<-- / \--> tomcat
> >>I'd like to understand if I can modify the modjk configuration
> >>file (worker.properties) using some pacemaker commands
> >>
> >>in this way I can
> >>- deactivate a node (modifying the modjk and launching a graceful
> >>command to apache
> >>- wait until the node finishes up all the active session
> >>- apply a patch on the node
> >>- restart the node
> >>
> >>all the steps about start/stop I understood I can do it with
> >>pacemaker, my problem is about the file modification.
> >>
> >>Can I edit the modjk configuration  file (worker.properties)
> >>using some pacemaker commands?
> >>
> >>thanks in advance ... sorry for this complicated question
> >
> >All the cluster knows is how to start, stop, and monitor a
> >resource. The resource is represented and directly controlled by
> >the corresponding resource agent. If you can fit whatever you
> >want to do into a script and then have it do thing 1 on start and
> >thing 2 on stop and that it returns a proper status when invoked
> >with the monitor action (though there are also scripts which are
> >stateless, take a look for example at ocf:heartbeat:Dummy), then
> >you should be good to go. But note that one resource should not
> >influence the status of another resource while it's running.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Dejan
> >
> >>regards
> >>
> >>gilberto
> >>
> >>
> >>
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