[Pacemaker] Failed to compile Pacemaker

Adrian Chapela achapela.rexistros at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 09:10:47 UTC 2009

I am trying to compile and install a cluster using OpenAIS + Pacemaker. 
I can compile Cluster Glue, Resource Agents, OpenAIS but I can't compile 
Pacemaker. It shows me the next error:

configure: error: Core Heartbeat utility libraries not found: no

But I am trying to compile without Hearbeat. I am using the next 
command: ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-lcrso-dir=$LCRSODIR 
--with-ais=yes --without-heartbeat

What could be the problem ? I am compiling the last stable version of 
Pacemaker (1.0.5)

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