[ClusterLabs Developers] No ruinings in 2020! (Was: I will ruin your Christmas holidays Developers!)

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Thu Jan 2 11:55:13 UTC 2020

On 02/01/20 12:47 +0100, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> On 21/12/19 01:29 -0500, Digimer wrote:
>> I'm not sure how this got through the queue... Sorry for the noise.
> in fact, it did not from what I can see, meaning that you (and perhaps
> other shadow moderators) do a stellar job, despite this not happening
> in a direct sight -- or in other words, practically non-existent spam
> is a proof how high the bar is (you can attest by scanning the long
> abandoned lists and comparing[*]).
> Thanks for that, and to the broader community, my wishes for the best
> in the new year (whether it has just arrived in your calendar, is about
> to happen soon for you, or at any other occasion that will eventually
> come, alike).
> To summarize, the most generic, high-level agenda regarding (Julian)

^ just teasing your (or my, TBH) acumen, Gregorian is correct here :-)

> year 2020 likely is:
> - cluster summit:
>   http://plan.alteeve.ca/index.php/HA_Cluster_Summit_2020
> - official EOL for Python 2:
>   https://www.python.org/psf/press-release/pr20191220/
> Amendable, indeed, just respond on-list.
>> digimer
>> On 2019-12-19 1:19 p.m., TorPedoHunt3r wrote:
>> <snip>
> [*] These lists are, AFAICT, abandonded, please don't revive, treat
>     just as a visitor in the reservation; visiting the links _not_
>     recommended, only at your own risk:
>     https://lists.clusterlabs.org/pipermail/pacemaker/2016-August/thread.html
>     https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/ha-wg-technical/2019-December/thread.html
> P.S. Sorry for piggy-backing here :-)

Jan (Poki)
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