[ClusterLabs] Mixing globally-unique with non-globally-unique resources

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Tue May 14 10:05:47 EDT 2024

On Tue, 2024-05-14 at 13:56 +0200, Jochen wrote:
> I have the following use case: There are several cluster IP addresses
> in the cluster. Each address is different, and multiple addresses can
> be scheduled on the same node. This makes the address clone a
> globally-unique clone as far as I understood.

Actually each IP address would be a separate (uncloned) resource.

The IPaddr2 resource agent does support cloned IPs, but only using an
obsolete technology that's not around anymore. That technology allowed
a *single* IP address to be answered by any of a set of nodes
(effectively load-balancing by the client's address).

> Then I have one service per node which manages traffic for all
> addresses on a node where an address is active, which makes the
> service clone not-globally-unique. The service should only run if at
> least one address is active on the node, and there cannot be more
> than one instance of the service on each node.
> How would I create this pattern in Pacemaker?

What you want is an ordering constraint with the IP resources in a
resource set with require-all=false:


Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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