[ClusterLabs] Fast-failover on 2 nodes + qnetd: qdevice connenction disrupted.

alexey at pavlyuts.ru alexey at pavlyuts.ru
Wed May 1 19:56:29 EDT 2024

Hi All,


I am trying to build application-specific 2-node failover cluster using
ubuntu 22, pacemaker 2.1.2 + corosync 3.1.6 and DRBD 9.2.9, knet transport.


For some reason I can't use 3-node then I have to use qnetd+qdevice 3.0.1.


The main goal Is to protect custom app which is not cluster-aware by itself.
It is quite stateful, can't store the state outside memory and take some
time to get converged with other parts of the system, then the best scenario
is "failover is a restart with same config", but each unnecessary restart is
painful. So, if failover done, app must retain on the backup node until it
fail or admin push it back, this work well with stickiness param.


So, the goal is to detect serving node fail ASAP and restart it ASAP on
other node, using DRBD-synced config/data. ASAP means within 5-7 sec, not 30
or more. 


I was tried different combinations of timing, and finally got acceptable
result within 5 sec for the best case. But! The case is very unstable.


My setup is a simple: two nodes on VM, and one more VM as arbiter (qnetd),
VMs under Proxmox and connected by net via external ethernet switch to get
closer to reality where "nodes VM" should locate as VM on different PHY
hosts in one rack.


Then, it was adjusted for faster detect and failover.

1.	In Corosync, left the token default 1000ms, but add
"heartbeat_failures_allowed: 3", this made corosync catch node failure for
about 200ms (4x50ms heartbeat).
2.	Both qnet and qdevice was run with  net_heartbeat_interval_min=200
to allow play with faster hearbeats and detects
3.	Also, quorum.device.net has timeout: 500, sync_timeout: 3000, algo:


The testing is to issue "ate +%M:%S.%N && qm stop 201", and then check the
logs on timestamp when the app started on the "backup" host. And, when
backup host boot again, the test is to check the logs for the app was not


Sometimes switchover work like a charm but sometimes it may delay for dozens
of seconds. 

Sometimes when the primary host boot up again, secondary hold quorum well
and keep app running, sometimes quorum is lost first (and pacemaker downs
the app) and then found and pacemaker get app up again, so unwanted restart


My investigation shows that the difference between "good" and "bad" cases:


Good case - all the logs clear and reasonable.


Bad case: qnetd losing connection to second node just after the connection
to "failure" node detected and then it may take dozens of seconds to restore
it. All this time qdevice trying to connect qnetd and fails:


Example, host send to failure, 100.2 is failover to:


>From qnetd:

May 01 23:30:39 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: doesn't sent any message during 600ms.

May 01 23:30:39 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (init_received 1, cluster bsc-test-cluster,
node_id 1) disconnect

May 01 23:30:39 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: Client
0x55a6fc6785b0 (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 1) disconnect

May 01 23:30:39 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms:   server going down

>>> This is unexpected down, at normal scenario connection persist

May 01 23:30:40 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: doesn't sent any message during 600ms.

May 01 23:30:40 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (init_received 1, cluster bsc-test-cluster,
node_id 2) disconnect

May 01 23:30:40 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: Client
0x55a6fc6363d0 (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 2) disconnect

May 01 23:30:40 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms:   server going down

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: New client connected

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   cluster name =

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   tls started = 0

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   tls peer certificate
verified = 0

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   node_id = 2

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   pointer = 0x55a6fc6363d0

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   addr_str =

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   cluster dump:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     client =
::ffff:, node_id = 2

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 2) sent
initial node list.

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   msg seq num = 99

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: cluster
bsc-test-cluster config_list has 2 nodes

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Algorithm result vote is No

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 2) sent
membership node list.

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   msg seq num = 100

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   heuristics = Undefined

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     0 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: membership list from
node 2 partition (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-util: partition (2.801)
(0x55a6fc67e110) has 1 nodes

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: Only 1 partition.
This is votequorum's problem, not ours

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 2) sent quorum
node list.

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   msg seq num = 101

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   quorate = 0

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = dead

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = member

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: quorum node list
from node 2 partition (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-util: partition (2.801)
(0x55a6fc697e70) has 1 nodes

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: Only 1 partition.
This is votequorum's problem, not ours

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (cluster bsc-test-cluster, node_id 2) sent quorum
node list.

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   msg seq num = 102

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   quorate = 1

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = dead

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = member

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]:

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: quorum node list
from node 2 partition (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-util: partition (2.801)
(0x55a6fc669dc0) has 1 nodes

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: algo-lms: Only 1 partition.
This is votequorum's problem, not ours

May 01 23:30:56 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:58 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client closed connection

May 01 23:30:58 arbiter corosync-qnetd[6338]: Client
::ffff: (init_received 0, cluster bsc-test-cluster,
node_id 0) disconnect

>> At this point resource start on backup host


>From qdevice:


May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Server closed connection

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. quorate
= 1, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. reason
= 22, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is NACK

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting NACK.

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sleeping for 161 ms before

May 01 23:30:40 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Trying connect to qnetd server
arbiter:5403 (timeout = 400ms)

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Connect timeout

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. quorate
= 1, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. reason
= 27, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is NACK

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting NACK.

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Trying connect to qnetd server
arbiter:5403 (timeout = 400ms)

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Votequorum nodelist notify

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Ring_id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list (size = 1):

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 nodeid = 2

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm decided to pause cast
vote timer and result vote is No change

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer is now paused.

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: worker:
qdevice_heuristics_worker_cmd_process_exec: Received exec command with
seq_no "24" and timeout "1500"

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received heuristics exec result
command with seq_no "24" and result "Disabled"

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Votequorum heuristics exec
result callback:

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   seq_number = 24, exec_result
= Disabled

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm decided to not send
list, result vote is No change and heuristics is Undefined

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer is no longer

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Not scheduling heuristics timer
because mode is not enabled

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Votequorum quorum notify

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Quorate = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list (size = 3):

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 nodeid = 1, state = 2

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     1 nodeid = 2, state = 1

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     2 nodeid = 0, state = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: quorum_notify.
quorate = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm decided to not send
list and result vote is No change

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Connect timeout

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. quorate
= 0, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. reason
= 27, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is NACK

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting NACK.

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Trying connect to qnetd server
arbiter:5403 (timeout = 400ms)

>>> At this point quorum reported lost

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Connect timeout

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. quorate
= 0, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. reason
= 27, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is NACK

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting NACK.


>>> This failure pattern repeats 31 times

May 01 23:30:41 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Trying connect to qnetd server
arbiter:5403 (timeout = 400ms)

May 01 23:30:42 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Connect timeout

May 01 23:30:42 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. quorate
= 0, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:42 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: disconnected. reason
= 27, WFA = 0

May 01 23:30:42 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is NACK

May 01 23:30:42 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting NACK.

>>> End of pattern repeat, continue


May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Trying connect to qnetd server
arbiter:5403 (timeout = 400ms)

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending preinit msg to qnetd

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received preinit reply msg

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received init reply msg

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Scheduling send of heartbeat
every 400ms

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Executing after-connect

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: worker:
qdevice_heuristics_worker_cmd_process_exec: Received exec command with
seq_no "25" and timeout "250"

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received heuristics exec result
command with seq_no "25" and result "Disabled"

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm decided to send
config node list, send membership node list, send quorum node list,
heuristics is Undefined and result vote is Wait for reply

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending set option seq = 98,
HB(0) = 0ms, KAP Tie-breaker(1) = Enabled

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending config node list seq =

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending membership node list
seq = 100, ringid = (2.801), heuristics = Undefined.

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = not set

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending quorum node list seq =
101, quorate = 0

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = dead

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = member

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer is now stopped.

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received set option reply
seq(1) = 98, HB(0) = 0ms, KAP Tie-breaker(1) = Enabled

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received initial config node
list reply

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   seq = 99

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   vote = No change

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is No

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received membership node list

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   seq = 100

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   vote = ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer is now
scheduled every 250ms voting ACK.

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received quorum node list reply

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   seq = 101

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   vote = ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting ACK.

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Votequorum quorum notify

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Quorate = 1

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list (size = 3):

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 nodeid = 1, state = 2

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     1 nodeid = 2, state = 1

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     2 nodeid = 0, state = 0

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: algo-lms: quorum_notify.
quorate = 1

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm decided to send list
and result vote is No change

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Sending quorum node list seq =
102, quorate = 1

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   Node list:

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     0 node_id = 1,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = dead

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:     1 node_id = 2,
data_center_id = 0, node_state = member

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Received quorum node list reply

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   seq = 102

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   vote = ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]:   ring id = (2.801)

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Algorithm result vote is ACK

May 01 23:30:56 node2 corosync-qdevice[781]: Cast vote timer remains
scheduled every 250ms voting ACK.

>>> Here everything become OK and resource started on Node2


Also, I've done wireshark capture and found great mess in TCP, it seems like
connection between qdevice and qnetd really stops for some time and packets
won't deliver.


For my guess, it match corosync syncing activities, and I suspect that
corosync prevent any other traffic on the interface it use for rings.


As I switch qnetd and qdevice to use different interface it seems to work


So, the question is: does corosync really temporary blocks any other traffic
on the interface it uses? Or it is just a coincidence? If it blocks, is
there a way to manage it?


Thank you for any suggest on that!







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