[ClusterLabs] Coming in Pacemaker 2.1.0: changes in configure script options

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Thu Feb 18 10:33:17 EST 2021

Hi all,

The Pacemaker 2.1.0 release, expected toward the middle of this year,
will be backward compatible in the CIB and C API. The middle version
number is being bumped to draw attention to more significant changes
than usual, including changes that may affect custom scripts or
building Pacemaker from source.

Here are the most interesting (which is not saying much) changes in the
configure script:

* A new --enable-compat-2.0 option will revert certain output changes,
to maintain compatibility with tools, scripts, and resource agents that
rely on the previous output. For now, using this just means that
resource agent names will continue to be displayed as
"ocf::provider:agent" (two colons instead of one), but more output
changes are expected to be affected by the time of release. This will
give packagers and those who build from source some time to coordinate
the versions of pacemaker, resource-agents, pcs, etc., to ensure they
all support the new output. Once we have a better idea of what's
affected and when they will be updated, we'll post more about it.

* A new --with-concurrent-fencing-default option can be used to set the
default for the concurrent-fencing cluster property. The default of
"false" preserves the previous behavior. Setting it to "true" replaces
the previous method of setting -DDEFAULT_CONCURRENT_FENCING_TRUE in
CFLAGS or CPPFLAGS before configuring (which will no longer have any

* The --with-acl option has been removed, and support for ACLs will now
always be built. Building with --with-acl="no" has been broken since
the 1.1.16 release, and since no one's noticed it until now, dropping
the option seems like a better choice than fixing it.

* Other options removed include --with-pkgname, --with-pkg-name, --
with-brand, --enable-ansi, and --enable-no-stack, most of which were
ignored or broken.

A big list of all changes for 2.1.0 can be found at:

Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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