[ClusterLabs] How to use Apache resource by HTTPS in pacemaker?

John Karippery john.karippery at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 22 10:49:28 EDT 2020

Hello developer, 

I have a problem when i change apache url to HTTPS. My company need to use the Apache by HTTPS in pacemaker. I already done SSL config in all servers. Everything working fine until when I add Apache resources in pacemaker. I research a lot and I didn't find any solution for my problem. all example apache resourse (status url ) are in http. please help me And i am working on debian 9

Link Below I will explain what i done so far. but I didn't get any solution yet.  please help me

 I know where is the issue. but i don't know the solution for that.
http://localhost/server-status not accessible invalid certificate.
maybe this why pacemaker can't access the statusurl
pacemaker is not recognize status page after change to httpsHow to use Apache resource by HTTPS in pacemaker? · Issue #1556 · ClusterLabs/resource-agents

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How to use Apache resource by HTTPS in pacemaker? · Issue #1556 · Cluste...

I have a problem when i change apache url to HTTPS. My company need to use the Apache by HTTPS in pacemaker. I a...



Thank you
John karippery
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