[ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: New status reporting for starting/stopping resources in 1.1.19-8.el7

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Mon Sep 2 02:21:26 EDT 2019

>>> Andrei Borzenkov <arvidjaar at gmail.com> schrieb am 31.08.2019 um 07:18 in
Nachricht <860d8e8e-2c1c-2405-7239-bd36a2457d87 at gmail.com>:
> 31.08.2019 6:39, Chris Walker пишет:
>> Hello,
>> The 1.1.19-8 EL7 version of Pacemaker contains a commit ‘Feature: crmd: 
> default record-pending to TRUE’ that is not in the ClusterLabs Github repo.

> commit b48ceeb041cee65a9b93b9b76235e475fa1a128f
> Author: Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>
> Date:   Mon Oct 16 09:45:18 2017 -0500
>     Feature: crmd: default record-pending to TRUE

I found that we had

op_defaults op-options: \

in Nov. 2016 already. That is: It probably existed much longer, but I don't
have an history before that.

No, I found a document from May 2013 that had:

op_defaults $id="op-options" \ 

And SELS11 SP3 had documented it, too.
Finally I found that I had documented activation on July 2011 ;-)

The documentation at that time was (source unknown):
There is an option for Pacemaker to record pending ops. Using the CRM
# crm configure op_defaults record-pending=true
This means a pending start or stop (e.g.: "starting", "stopping") will
be recorded in the CIB while it's happening. This state is
unfortunately not exposed in the default crm_mon view (it will still
show "started" while it's "starting"), but you can see it if you ask
crm_mon to show you the resource op history:
# crm_mon --operations
This can get a bit long (it shows all ops for all resources). For a
resource that's starting, you'll see something like:
* Node node-1:
+ (-1) start: rc=14 (status: unknown)
The "(-1) start" indicates a pending start. You can also try:
# crm_resource -O --resource foo
This will give something like:
Started : foo_start_0 (node=node-1, call=-1, rc=14): pending
Started : foo_monitor_0 (node=node-0, call=29, rc=7): complete
Here we see a probe, followed by a pending start. Later, once it's
running, you'll see something like:
Started : foo_start_0 (node=node-1, call=55, rc=0): complete
Started : foo_monitor_30000 (node=node-1, call=56, rc=0): complete
Started : foo_monitor_0 (node=node-0, call=29, rc=7): complete
That's probe, start, then recurring monitor (it's in order by call
number: 29, 55, 56 in this case).
Pending ops are exposed in a somewhat more friendly fashion in the
Python GUI (resources show as "starting" or "stopping"), and in Hawk
(resources show as "pending").

This ends my short trip going back in time... ;-)


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