[ClusterLabs] Antw: Fuzzy/misleading references to "restart" of a resource (Was: When does pacemaker call 'restart'/'force-reload' operations on LSB resource?)

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Thu Dec 5 03:09:20 EST 2019

>>> Jan Pokorný <jpokorny at redhat.com> schrieb am 04.12.2019 um 21:19 in
<20191204201928.GO3279 at redhat.com>:
> On 04/12/19 14:53 +0900, Ondrej wrote:
>> When adding 'LSB' script to pacemaker cluster I can see that
>> pacemaker advertises 'restart' and 'force‑reload' operations to be
>> present ‑ regardless if the LSB script supports it or not.  This
>> seems to be coming from following piece of code.

> 92e69655e/lib/services/services_lsb.c#L39‑L40
>> Questions:
>> 1.  When the 'restart' and 'force‑reload' operations are called on
>>     the LSB script cluster resource?
> [reordered]
>> I would have expected that 'restart' operation would be called when
>> using 'crm_resource ‑‑restart ‑‑resource myResource', but I can see
>> that 'stop' and 'start' operations are used in that case instead.
> This is due to how "crm_resource ‑‑restart" is arranged,
> directly in the implementation of this CLI tool itself
> (see tools/crm_resource_runtime.c:cli_resource_restart):
> ‑ first, target‑role meta‑attribute for resource is set to Stopped
> ‑ then, once the activity settled, it is set back to the target‑role
>   it was originally at

...and if yoiu are unlocky the node processing the "restart" is fenced by a
faild stop and the resource is not started again until manual intervention.
This is clearly a design deficit.

> Performing this stepwise like this, there's no reasonably
> implementable mapping back to a single step being the actual
> composition (stop, start ‑> restart) when the plan is not shared
> in full in advance (it is not) with the respective moving parts.
> And there's plain common sense that would still preclude it (below).
> Hence, it is in actuality a great discovery that "restart" trigerring
> verb/action is in fact completely neglected and bogus when it comes
> to handling by pacemaker.  If it implements any optimizations (thanks
> to having the intimate knowledge of the resource at hand, plus knowing
> before‑after state combo and possibly how to transition in one go),
> cluster resource management won't benefit from that in any way.

Time for change it seems.

> Interestingly, such optimizations are exactly what the original
> OCF draft had in mind :‑)

> (even more interestingly, only to be reconsidered again some decades
> later: https://github.com/ClusterLabs/OCF‑spec/issues/10;
> yeah, aren't we masters of following targets moving to the extent they
> are sometimes contradictory?  I'd blame a desperate lack of written
> [and easily obtainable] design decisions made in the past for that)
> They are mandated by LSB as well, but hey, in systemd era, we are
> now _free_ to call LSB severely broken as it (shamefully, I'd say)
> never even tried to accommodate proper dealing with dependency
> chains (and actual serializability thereof!), as explained
> in an example below.  Or put in other words, LSB was never meant
> to stand for a holistic resource management, something both systemd
> and pacemaker attempt to cover (single/multi‑machine wide).

What I stringly dislike with systemd is that is ffels to have to interfere
wirth manual commands not related to systemd. For example when I mount an NFS
remote filesystem locally as root, systemd interferes doing some additional
actions. At home I had an external USB disk with read errors, and systemd
interfered when the kernel had reported read errors from the device. OK, that
was off-topic...

> OTOH, this enforced split of state transitions is perhaps what makes
> the transaction (comprising perhaps countless other interdependent
> resources) serializable and thus feasible at all (think: you cannot
> nest any further handling ‑‑ so as to satisfy given constraints ‑‑ in
> between stop and start when that's an atom, otherwise), and that's
> exactly how, say, systemd approaches that, likely for that very reason:
> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/6539dd7c42946d9ba5dc43028b8b5785eb

> 2db3c5
> So I see a room for improvement here as our takeaway:
> * resource agents:
>   ‑ some agents declare/implement "restart" action when there is
>     no practical reason to (AudibleAlarm, Xinetd, dhcpd, etc.)
>     [as a side note, there are non‑sensical considerations, such as
>     when default "start" and "stop" timeouts for dhcpd are 20 seconds
>     each, how come, then, that "restart" defined as "stop; start"
>     would also make do with 20 seconds altogher, unless there is
>     some amortized work I fail to see :‑)]

All these suggested default timeout have to be read with some sense of humor
I'm afraid. Unfortunately pacemaker has no humor yet AFAIK ;-)

> * pacemaker:
>   ‑ artificially generated meta‑data mention "restart" action when
>     there is no good reason to (lib/services/services_lsb.c)
>   ‑ there are some correct clues in Pacemaker Explained, but perhaps,
>     it shall take a time to emphasize that whenever "restart" is
>     referred, it is never an atomic step, but always a sequence
>     of two steps that may be considered atomic on their own,
>     but possibly interleaved with other steps so as to retain
>     soundness wrt. the imposed constraints and/or changes made
>     in parallel

I think pacemaker should know of an "agenda" in addition to transitions. That
agenda should be persistent in the CIB, so that it will survive fencing. In
case of a restart it would ensure that the resource is started at the end (best
effort at least).

>   ‑ the same gist of "restart" shall be sketched in a help screen
>     of crm_resource
>> For 'force‑reload' I have no idea on how to try trigger it looking
>> at 'crm_resource ‑‑help' output.
> Sorry, that's even more bogus, as there's no relevance whatsoever.
> It needs to either be dropped from artificially generated meta‑data
> as well, or investigated further whether there's any reason to make
> of such an operation triggerable by users, and if positive, how
> much of impact spread to be expected when implemented (do the
> dependent services need to be reloaded or "restarted" as well,
> since the change might be non‑local? any precedent there?
> again, hard to analyse in the lack of written design decisions
> that would provide an immediate frame for thinking about this)

Actually I had used a RA in the past that was just a wrapper around a control
script that allowed a "reload" (re-read the configuration file without creating
a new process). Such reload was completely independent of any RA parameter
change. (I would have needed to add a dummy parameter like
"configurationfile_change_time" just to signal some change to the
RA/pacemaker). So a command for a "reload through RA" might make sense.

> [reordered]
>> 2. How can I trigger 'restart' and 'force‑reload' operation on LSB
>>    script cluster resource in pacemaker?
>> Cluster resource definition looks like this:
>> <primitive class="lsb" id="myResource" type="script.sh">
>>   <operations>
>>     <op id="myResource‑force‑reload‑interval‑0s" interval="0s"
>>         name="force‑reload" timeout="15s"/>
>>     <op id="myResource‑monitor‑interval‑15" interval="15" name="monitor"
>>         timeout="15"/>
>>     <op id="myResource‑restart‑interval‑0s" interval="0s" name="restart"
>>         timeout="15"/>
>>     <op id="myResource‑start‑interval‑0s" interval="0s" name="start"
>>         timeout="15"/>
>>     <op id="myResource‑stop‑interval‑0s" interval="0s" name="stop"
>>         timeout="15"/>
>>   </operations>
>>   <instance_attributes id="myResource‑instance_attributes"/>
>>   <meta_attributes id="myResource‑meta_attributes"/>
>> </primitive>
>> [...]
>> I want to make sure that cluster will not attempt running 'restart'
>> nor 'force‑reload' on script that is not implementing them.
> Understood, I am reasonably sure about the former and definitely sure
> about the latter, in the current state of implementation anyway.
> That you even need to stress about these bogus circumstances doesn't
> put us in a good light, but the more important this feedback loop is.
>> As for now I'm considering to return exit code '3' from script when
>> these actions are called to indicate that they are 'unimplemented
>> feature' as suggested by LSB specification below. However I would
>> like to verify that this works as expected.

> niscrptact.html
> If your resource is solely to be run under pacemaker, I'd prune
> all those those quirks altogethher, to make one's life easier.
> ‑‑ 
> Jan (Poki)

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