[ClusterLabs] Fuzzy/misleading references to "restart" of a resource

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Wed Dec 4 17:04:39 EST 2019

On 04/12/19 21:19 +0100, Jan Pokorný wrote:
> OTOH, this enforced split of state transitions is perhaps what makes
> the transaction (comprising perhaps countless other interdependent
> resources) serializable and thus feasible at all (think: you cannot
> nest any further handling -- so as to satisfy given constraints -- in
> between stop and start when that's an atom, otherwise), and that's
> exactly how, say, systemd approaches that, likely for that very reason:
> https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/6539dd7c42946d9ba5dc43028b8b5785eb2db3c5

Yet, systemd started to allow for certain stop-start ("restart")
optimizations at "stop" phase, I've just learnt:
But it doesn't merge/atomicize the two discrete steps, still.

OCF could possibly be amended to allow for a similar semantic
indication of "stop to be reversed shortly on this very node if
things go well" if there was a tangible use case, say using
"stop-with-start-pending" action instead of "stop"
(and the amendment possibly building on an idea of addon profiles
https://github.com/ClusterLabs/OCF-spec/issues/17 if there was
an actual infrastructure for that and not just a daydreaming).

Jan (Poki)
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