[ClusterLabs] Expected resource-discovery=exclusive behavior

Michael Kolomiets michael.kolomiets at gmail.com
Fri Jun 1 04:15:02 EDT 2018

I have asymmetric cluster. After upgrade pacemaker to version 1.1.18 I
tried to use "resource-discovery=exclusive" attr to limit probes when
resources (VirtualDomain) start.
But I dont see records in log on nodes where cluster does probes before
start resource. Moreover, I have run the guest manually and then tried to
run appropriate resource with cluster, without succes - cluster doesnt see
already running guest and launch another instance on different node.
May be I have wrong understand about "resource-discovery=exclusive"
behavior? Pls, clarify it for me.

Sample configuration.

Cluster properties

[root at n01 mmike]# pcs property show
Cluster Properties:
 batch-limit: 3
 cluster-infrastructure: corosync
 cluster-name: smo01
 cluster-recheck-interval: 5min
 dc-version: 1.1.18-11.el7_5.2-2b07d5c5a9
 have-watchdog: false
 last-lrm-refresh: 1527458783
 maintenance-mode: false
 migration-limit: 2
 no-quorum-policy: freeze
 placement-strategy: balanced
 start-failure-is-fatal: false
 stonith-enabled: true
 symmetric-cluster: false


[root at n01 mmike]# pcs resource show vm-sl-gate-01
 Resource: vm-sl-gate-01 (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=VirtualDomain)
  Attributes: autoset_utilization_cpu=yes autoset_utilization_hv_memory=yes
config=/etc/libvirt/shared/sl-gate-01.xml hypervisor=qemu:///system
migration_downtime=3000 migration_network_suffix=-libvirt
migration_speed=32 migration_transport=tls
  Meta Attrs: allow-migrate=true remote-node=sl-gate-01
remote-addr=remote-sl-gate-01 remote-connect-timeout=120s
  Utilization: cpu=2 hv_memory=4096
  Operations: migrate_from interval=0s timeout=1800s
              migrate_to interval=0s timeout=1800s
              monitor interval=30s timeout=120s
              start interval=0s timeout=60s
              stop interval=0s on-fail=block timeout=120s

Location constraint

[root at n01 mmike]# pcs constraint location show resources vm-sl-gate-01
Location Constraints:
  Resource: vm-sl-gate-01
    Constraint: location-vm-sl-gate-01 (resource-discovery=exclusive)
      Rule: score=100  (id:location-vm-sl-gate-01-score100)
        Expression: #kind eq cluster


[root at n02 mmike]# LANG=C virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 9     sl-gate-01               running

[root at n03 mmike]# LANG=C virsh list
 Id    Name                           State
 4     sl-gate-01               running

Michael Kolomiets
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