[ClusterLabs] pcs 0.10.1 released

Tomas Jelinek tojeline at redhat.com
Fri Dec 7 09:45:34 EST 2018

Dne 27. 11. 18 v 0:48 Jan Pokorný napsal(a):
> Congratulations for the release.
> On 26/11/18 17:26 +0100, Tomas Jelinek wrote:
>> Main changes compared to 0.9 branch:
>> [...]
>> * Python 3.6+ and Ruby 2.2+ is now required
> Out of curiosity, what's the driver for such a steep Python version
> lower bound?

Pcs now depends on `async` and `await` statements which have been 
introduced in Python 3.5. Python 3.6 was already released and available 
in Linux distributions (Fedora, RHEL8, Debian Buster, Ubuntu) at the 
time we were discussing minimum Python version for pcs. So we decided to 
go one step further and start using Python 3.6 features such as 
formatted string literals, possibly variable annotations and others.


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