[ClusterLabs] MYSQL data on DRBD

Jan Pokorný jpokorny at redhat.com
Wed Oct 25 21:04:51 CEST 2017

On 25/10/17 12:45 +0300, Антон Сацкий wrote:
> Digimer  yes U r right i need   to run Mysql on one server
> but somehow  when i run
> pcs resource create MYSQL lsb:mysql
> pacameker  also trying to start mysql on a backup server

Not sure I follow properly, but you likely don't want to keep
pacemaker in a constant flux as you gradually, one configuration
tweak at a time, refine the _active_ configuration according to
the predestined plan.  Also because the interim states may arise
that conflict with the additional constraints to come later in
the game, such as the resource defined in isolation being started
on different than predestined node (absolutely or relatively to
other resources that may not even be defined at that point yet).

In such cases, you want to use accumulate-and-push idiom, which
will simply batch all the changes to be forwarded to pacemaker
at once, making for a smooth, non-conflicting transition towards
the desired state:

  pcs cluster cib tmp-cib.xml
  pcs -f tmp-cib.xml resource create ...
  [pcs -f tmp-cib.xml ...]
  [...]  # other resources, constraints, and what not
  pcs cluster cib-push tmp-cib.xml --config

Hope that helps.

Jan (Poki)
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