[ClusterLabs] VMware guest disk configuration for SBD

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 08:34:47 CEST 2017

I'm looking for pointers to documentation (or if possible support
statements) for setting up pacemaker cluster across physical ESX hosts
using SBD as STONITH agent. There are a lot of options how one may setup
virtual disk in VMware, and I'm unsure which one to chose.

Configuration is based on external FC storage array, no iSCSI. So
options are to use shared VMDK or RDM. I would prefer shared VMDK for
administrative simplicity, but e.g. for Microsoft Cluster VMware
explicitly supports only RDM in physical mode for shared disks. So there
may be reasons to use them for SBD as well.

I also appreciate any practical experience in this area.

Thank you!


P.S. SBD because as far as I can tell this is the only one that can
handle total host outage with acceptable degree of complexity. And no,
managed PDUs are not an option :)

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