[ClusterLabs] corosync race condition when node leaves immediately after joining

Jan Friesse jfriesse at redhat.com
Mon Oct 16 16:58:36 CEST 2017


> On 13/10/17 17:24, Jan Friesse wrote:
>>> I've done a bit of digging and am getting closer to the root cause of
>>> the race.
>>> We rely on having votequorum_sync_init called twice -- once when node 1
>>> joins (with member_list_entries=2) and once when node 1 leaves (with
>>> member_list_entries=1). This is important because votequorum_sync_init
>>> marks nodes as NODESTATE_DEAD if they are not in quorum_members[] -- so
>>> it needs to have seen the node appear then disappear. This is important
>>> because get_total_votes only counts votes from nodes in state
>> So there are basically two problems.
>> Actually first (main) problem is that votequorum_sync_init is ever
>> called when that node joins. It really shouldn't. And problem is
>> simply because calling api->shutdown_request() is not enough. Can you
>> try replace it with exit(1) (for testing) and reproduce the problem?
>> I'm pretty sure problem disappears.
> No, the problem still happens :-(

Not good.

> I am using the following patch:
> diff --git a/exec/cmap.c b/exec/cmap.c
> index de730d2..1125cef 100644
> --- a/exec/cmap.c
> +++ b/exec/cmap.c
> @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ static void cmap_sync_activate (void)
>                  log_printf(LOGSYS_LEVEL_ERROR,
>                      "Received config version (%"PRIu64") is different
> than my config version (%"PRIu64")! Exiting",
>                      cmap_highest_config_version_received,
> cmap_my_config_version);
> -               api->shutdown_request();
> +               exit(1);
>                  return ;
>          }
>   }
> diff --git a/exec/main.c b/exec/main.c
> index b0d5639..4fd3e68 100644
> --- a/exec/main.c
> +++ b/exec/main.c
> @@ -627,6 +627,7 @@ static void deliver_fn (
>                          ((void *)msg);
>          }
> +       log_printf(LOGSYS_LEVEL_NOTICE, "executing '%s' exec_handler_fn
> %p for node %d (fn %d)", corosync_service[service]->name,
> corosync_service[service]->exec_engine[fn_id].exec_handler_fn, nodeid,
> fn_id);
>          corosync_service[service]->exec_engine[fn_id].exec_handler_fn
>                  (msg, nodeid);
>   }
> diff --git a/exec/votequorum.c b/exec/votequorum.c
> index 1a97c6d..7c0f34f 100644
> --- a/exec/votequorum.c
> +++ b/exec/votequorum.c
> @@ -2099,6 +2100,7 @@ static void
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (
>          node->flags = req_exec_quorum_nodeinfo->flags;
>          node->votes = req_exec_quorum_nodeinfo->votes;
>          node->state = NODESTATE_MEMBER;
> +       log_printf(LOGSYS_LEVEL_NOTICE,
> "message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (%p) marking node %d as
> MEMBER", message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo, nodeid);
>          if (node->flags & NODE_FLAGS_LEAVING) {
>                  node->state = NODESTATE_LEAVING;
> When it's working correctly I see this:
> 1508151960.072927 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members joined: 1
> 1508151960.073082 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508151960.073150 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x55b5eb504ca0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508151960.073197 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x55b5eb504ca0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508151960.073238 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508151961.073033 notice  [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new
> configuration.
> When it's not working correctly I see this:
> 1508151908.447584 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members joined: 1
> 1508151908.447757 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x558b39fbbaa0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508151908.447866 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x558b39fbbaa0) marking
> node 1 as MEMBER
> 1508151908.447972 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508151908.448045 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508151908.448091 notice  [QUORUM] This node is within the primary
> component and will provide service.
> 1508151908.448134 notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> 1508151908.448175 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508151908.448205 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x558b39fb3ca0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508151908.448247 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x558b39fb3ca0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508151908.448307 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508151909.447182 notice  [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new
> configuration.
> ... and at that point I already see "Total votes: 2" in the
> corosync-quorumtool output.
> The key difference seems to be whether votequorum's nodeinfo
> exec_handler_fn is called. If it is called, it marks the node as
> NODESTATE_MEMBER, which is sufficient to trigger the bug because it is
> never subsequently marked as NODESTATE_DEAD.
> (Note that in both cases there is now a one-second delay before the "A
> processor failed" message. This is due to calling exit(1) rather than
> api->shutdown_request().)
>>> When it goes wrong, I see that votequorum_sync_init is only called
>>> *once* (with member_list_entries=1) -- after node 1 has joined and left.
>>> So it never sees node 1 in member_list, hence never marks it as
>>> NODESTATE_DEAD. But message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo has
>>> indepedently marked the node as NODESTATE_MEMBER, hence get_total_votes
>>> counts it and quorate is set to 1.
>> This is second problem and it has to be also fixed. You have to be
>> pretty lucky to reproduce it so often.
>> Anyway, here is theory:
>> - node 1 calls api->shutdown_request() and continue processing (this
>> is problem 1)
>> - both nodes gets to a state where they should call
>> votequorum_sync_init, but node 2 is now not scheduled (as I said, it
>> must be pretty luck)
>> - node 1 calls votequorum_sync_init and votequorum_sync_process
>> (sending nodeinfo) and it's shutdown
>> - node 2 gets nodeinfo
>> - node 2 sees node 1 shutdown
>> - node 2 calls votequorum_sync_init and votequorum_sync_process
>> If this theory is true, we must probably fix the sync.c to have 2 or
>> ideally 3-4 barriers instead of 1.
>>> So why is votequorum_sync_init sometimes only called once? It looks like
>>> it's all down to whether we manage to iterate through all the calls to
>>> schedwrk_processor before entering the OPERATIONAL state. I haven't yet
>>> looked into exactly what controls the timing of these two things.
>>> Adding the following patch helps me to demonstrate the problem more
>>> clearly:
>>> diff --git a/exec/sync.c b/exec/sync.c
>>> index e7b71bd..a2fb06d 100644
>>> --- a/exec/sync.c
>>> +++ b/exec/sync.c
>>> @@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ static int schedwrk_processor (const void *context)
>>>                  }
>>>                  if
>>> (my_sync_callbacks_retrieve(my_service_list[my_processing_idx].service_id,
>>> NULL) != -1) {
>>> +                       log_printf(LOGSYS_LEVEL_NOTICE, "calling
>>> sync_init on service '%s' (%d) with my_member_list_entries = %d",
>>> my_service_list[my_processing_idx].name, my_processing_idx,
>>> my_member_list_entries);
>>>                          my_service_list[my_processing_idx].sync_init
>>> (my_trans_list,
>>>                                  my_trans_list_entries, my_member_list,
>>>                                  my_member_list_entries,
>>> diff --git a/exec/votequorum.c b/exec/votequorum.c
>>> index d5f06c1..aab6c15 100644
>>> --- a/exec/votequorum.c
>>> +++ b/exec/votequorum.c
>>> @@ -2336,6 +2353,8 @@ static void votequorum_sync_init (
>>>          int left_nodes;
>>>          struct cluster_node *node;
>>> +       log_printf(LOGSYS_LEVEL_NOTICE, "votequorum_sync_init has %d
>>> member_list_entries", member_list_entries);
>>> +
>>>          ENTER();
>>>          sync_in_progress = 1;
>>> When it works correctly I see the following (selected log lines):
>>> notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed.
>>> Members joined: 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync configuration
>>> map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync cluster closed
>>> process group service v1.01' (1) with my_member_list_entries = 2
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync vote quorum
>>> service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 2
>>> notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 2 member_list_entries
>>> notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed.
>>> Members left: 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync configuration
>>> map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync cluster closed
>>> process group service v1.01' (1) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync vote quorum
>>> service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 1 member_list_entries
>>>   -- Notice that votequorum_sync_init is called once with 2 members and
>>> once with 1 member.
>>> When it goes wrong I see the following (selected log lines):
>>> notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed.
>>> Members joined: 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync configuration
>>> map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync cluster closed
>>> process group service v1.01' (1) with my_member_list_entries = 2
>>> notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed.
>>> Members left: 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync configuration
>>> map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync cluster closed
>>> process group service v1.01' (1) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service 'corosync vote quorum
>>> service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 1
>>> notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 1 member_list_entries
>>>   -- Notice the value of my_member_list_entries in the different
>>> sync_init calls, and that votequorum_sync_init is only called once.
>>> Does this help explain the issue?
>> It's definitively helpful. I will try to thing about what may be
>> happening a little deeper. Can you please add similar debug info as
>> you have for sync_init also to other sync_ and send me the log of both
>> nodes when everything works and when do not?
> Okay. I've rolled back to make the call to api->shutdown_request() on
> config_version mismatch, and have added debug lines in sync.c just
> before calls to sync_activate, sync_abort and sync_process.
> When it's working correctly:
> 1508158482.991782 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members joined: 1
> 1508158482.991930 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.992029 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x56492b0d6bf0) marking
> node 1 as MEMBER
> 1508158482.992122 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.992206 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.992263 notice  [QUORUM] This node is within the primary
> component and will provide service.
> 1508158482.992307 notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> 1508158482.992351 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508158482.992382 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158482.992425 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.992456 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.992498 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158482.992529 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508158482.992572 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158482.992603 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync cluster closed
> process group service v1.01' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d2940 for node 2
> (fn 5)
> 1508158482.992646 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync cluster closed
> process group service v1.01' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d2940 for node 1
> (fn 5)
> 1508158482.992677 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158482.992720 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508158482.992750 notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 2
> member_list_entries
> 1508158482.992792 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2)
> 1508158482.992850 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members left: 1
> 1508158482.992895 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.992938 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x56492b0d6bf0) marking
> node 2 as MEMBER
> 1508158482.992968 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.993011 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.993042 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.993084 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158482.993115 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158482.993157 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.993188 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158482.993231 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158482.993261 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158482.993304 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync cluster closed
> process group service v1.01' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d2940 for node 2
> (fn 5)
> 1508158482.993335 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158482.993378 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158482.993409 notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 1
> member_list_entries
> 1508158482.993452 notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init marking node 1
> as DEAD
> 1508158482.993482 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2)
> 1508158482.993525 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.993555 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x56492b0d6bf0) marking
> node 2 as MEMBER
> 1508158482.993598 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.993628 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158482.993673 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2)
> 1508158482.993703 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158482.993746 notice  [QUORUM] This node is within the non-primary
> component and will NOT provide any services.
> 1508158482.993776 notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> 1508158482.993818 notice  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization,
> ready to provide service.
> When it's working incorrectly:
> 1508158493.905246 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members joined: 1
> 1508158493.905392 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.905522 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x56492b0d6bf0) marking
> node 1 as MEMBER
> 1508158493.905623 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.905697 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.905742 notice  [QUORUM] This node is within the primary
> component and will provide service.
> 1508158493.905773 notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> 1508158493.905815 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508158493.905889 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158493.905921 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 1 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.905951 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.905993 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158493.906023 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 2
> 1508158493.906066 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158493.906096 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync cluster closed
> process group service v1.01' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d2940 for node 2
> (fn 5)
> 1508158493.906138 notice  [TOTEM ] A new membership (
> was formed. Members left: 1
> 1508158493.906168 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0) with my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158493.906210 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158493.906240 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync configuration map
> access' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0cedf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.906282 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync configuration map access' (0)
> 1508158493.906312 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1) with
> my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158493.906354 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158493.906384 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync cluster closed
> process group service v1.01' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d2940 for node 2
> (fn 5)
> 1508158493.906427 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01' (1)
> 1508158493.906457 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_init on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2) with my_member_list_entries = 1
> 1508158493.906499 notice  [VOTEQ ] votequorum_sync_init has 1
> member_list_entries
> 1508158493.906528 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_process on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2)
> 1508158493.906570 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.906600 notice  [VOTEQ ]
> message_handler_req_exec_votequorum_nodeinfo (0x56492b0d6bf0) marking
> node 2 as MEMBER
> 1508158493.906642 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.906672 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.906714 notice  [MAIN  ] executing 'corosync vote quorum
> service v1.0' exec_handler_fn 0x56492b0d6bf0 for node 2 (fn 0)
> 1508158493.906743 notice  [SYNC  ] calling sync_activate on service
> 'corosync vote quorum service v1.0' (2)
> 1508158493.906785 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 1 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.906815 notice  [VOTEQ ] get_total_votes: node 2 is a MEMBER
> so counting vote
> 1508158493.906856 notice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 2
> 1508158493.906886 notice  [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization,
> ready to provide service.
> Now it seems that sync calls votequorum's exec_handler_fn in both
> working and non-working cases. So now it relies on votequorum_sync_init
> being called once with both members and once without node 1 in order to
> set the node as NODESTATE_DEAD.

votequorum's exec_handler_fn is probably executed because of icmap events.

Can you please try to set debug to trace (so config file will look like

logging {
   to_syslog: yes
   to_stderr: yes
   debug: trace

and send full log (so including "notice  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster 
Engine (''): started and ready to provide service.") from 
both nodes with description which one is which (ip + nodeid) for failing 


> Thanks,
> Jonathan

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