[ClusterLabs] simple active/active router using pacemaker+corosync

Arturo Borrero Gonzalez arturo at debian.org
Thu Jan 26 06:10:24 EST 2017


I have a rather simple 2 nodes active/active router using pacemaker+corosync.

Why active-active? Well, one node holds the virtual IPv4 resources and
the other node holds the virtual IPv6 resources.
On failover, both nodes are able to run all the virtual IPv4/IPv6 addresses.

We have about 30 resources configured, and more will be added in the future.

Until here, all is fine.

The problems/questions are:

 * The IPv6addr resource agent is so slow. I guess that's because of
the additional checks (pings). I had to switch to IPaddr2 for the
virtual IPv6 resources as well, which improves the failover times a
bit. Is this expected? Any hint here?

 * In order to ease management, I created 2 groups, one for all the
IPv4 addresses and other for all the IPv6 addresses. This way, I can
perform operations (such as movements, start/stop) for all the
resources in one go. This has a known drawback: in a group, the
resources are managed in chain by the order of the group. On failover,
this really hurts the movement time, since resources aren't moved in
parallel but sequentially. Any hint here?

I would like to have a simple way of managing lot of resources in one
go, but without the ordering drawbacks of a group.

Due to maintenance operations, the resources get moved from one node
to another very often (by hand).

Our crm config follows, whith IP addresses edited:

node 1: node1
node 2: node2
primitive v111_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v111_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v11_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v11_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v11_nat_v4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v14_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v14_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v17_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v17_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v23_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v23_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v27_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v27_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v34_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v34_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v34_nat_v4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v40_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v40_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v4_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v4_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
primitive v5_ipv4 IPaddr2 \
params ip= nic=bondX cidr_netmask=24
primitive v5_ipv6 IPaddr2 \
params ip="fe00::1" cidr_netmask=64 nic=bondX
group ipv4_virtual v27_ipv4 v17_ipv4 v14_ipv4 v5_ipv4 v11_ipv4
v11_nat_v4 v34_nat_v4 v34_ipv4 v23_ipv4 v111_ipv4 v4_ipv4 v40_ipv4
group ipv6_virtual v27_ipv6 v111_ipv6 v23_ipv6 v17_ipv6 v14_ipv6
v5_ipv6 v34_ipv6 v11_ipv6 v4_ipv6 v40_ipv6
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
have-watchdog=false \
dc-version=1.1.16-94ff4df \
cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
cluster-name=debian \
stonith-enabled=false \
no-quorum-policy=ignore \
rsc_defaults rsc-options: \

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