[ClusterLabs] Antw: Re: big trouble with a DRBD resource

Lentes, Bernd bernd.lentes at helmholtz-muenchen.de
Mon Aug 7 17:19:08 CEST 2017

----- On Aug 7, 2017, at 3:43 PM, Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de wrote:

>>> The "ERROR" message is coming from the DRBD resource agent itself, not
>>> pacemaker. Between that message and the two separate monitor operations,
>>> it looks like the agent will only run as a master/slave clone.
>> Btw:
>> Does the crm/lrm call the RA in the same way init does with scripts in
>> /etc/init.d ?
> Hi Bernd!
> If you ever tried to run an RA by hand, you wouldn't have asked, I guess.
> The RA needs ist parameters from environment, while typical LSB scripts take
> their configuration from files (/etc/sysconfig). I hope you are not talking
> about using LSB scripts as RAs.

I'm not talking about LSB scripts as RA's, although that's possible:
crm(live)# ra info lsb:
Display all 126 possibilities? (y or n)
lsb:SuSEfirewall2_init       lsb:boot.debugfs             lsb:boot.multipath           lsb:elx-lpfc-vector-map      lsb:irq_balancer             lsb:networker                lsb:purge-kernels            lsb:snmpd
lsb:SuSEfirewall2_setup      lsb:boot.device-mapper       lsb:boot.open-iscsi          lsb:fbset                    lsb:joystick                 lsb:nfs                      lsb:radvd                    lsb:snmptrapd
lsb:alsasound                lsb:boot.dmraid              lsb:boot.proc                lsb:gpm                      lsb:kbd                      lsb:nfsserver                lsb:random                   lsb:spamd
lsb:arpd                     lsb:boot.efivars             lsb:boot.rootfsck            lsb:haldaemon                lsb:kexec                    lsb:nscd                     lsb:raw                      lsb:splash
lsb:atd                      lsb:boot.fuse                lsb:boot.swap                lsb:halt                     lsb:ksysguardd               lsb:ntp                      lsb:rc                       lsb:splash_early
lsb:atop                     lsb:boot.ipconfig            lsb:boot.sysctl              lsb:halt.local               lsb:ldirectord               lsb:nxsensor                 lsb:reboot                   lsb:sshd
lsb:auditd                   lsb:boot.kdump               lsb:boot.sysstat             lsb:haveged                  lsb:libvirt-guests           lsb:nxserver                 lsb:rpasswdd                 lsb:syslog
lsb:autoyast                 lsb:boot.klog                lsb:boot.udev                lsb:hawk                     lsb:libvirtd                 lsb:o2cb                     lsb:rpcbind                  lsb:tg3sd
lsb:bluez-coldplug           lsb:boot.ldconfig            lsb:boot.udev_retry          lsb:hp-ams                   lsb:lighttpd                 lsb:ocfs2                    lsb:rpmconfigcheck           lsb:uuidd
lsb:boot                     lsb:boot.loadmodules         lsb:cron                     lsb:hp-asrd                  lsb:logd                     lsb:open-iscsi               lsb:rsyncd                   lsb:virtlockd
lsb:boot.cgroup              lsb:boot.local               lsb:ctdb                     lsb:hp-health                lsb:lvm_wait_merge_snapshot  lsb:openais                  lsb:setserial                lsb:winbind
lsb:boot.cleanup             lsb:boot.localfs             lsb:dbus                     lsb:hp-snmp-agents           lsb:mdadmd                   lsb:openhpid                 lsb:sfcb                     lsb:xdm
lsb:boot.clock               lsb:boot.localnet            lsb:dnsmasq                  lsb:hpsmhd                   lsb:multipathd               lsb:pcscd                    lsb:single                   lsb:xfs
lsb:boot.compliance          lsb:boot.lvm                 lsb:drbd                     lsb:ipmi                     lsb:mysql                    lsb:postfix                  lsb:skeleton                 lsb:xinetd
lsb:boot.crypto              lsb:boot.lvm_monitor         lsb:earlysyslog              lsb:ipmievd                  lsb:network                  lsb:powerd                   lsb:skeleton.compat
lsb:boot.crypto-early        lsb:boot.md                  lsb:ebtables                 lsb:ipvsadm                  lsb:network-remotefs         lsb:powerfail                lsb:smbfs

Calling a RA by hand is recommended for debugging:

>> E.g if a resource has a monitor interval from 120, the RA is called every 2
>> min from the cluster with the option monitor ?
> I hope you are not expecting init (etc/init.d) to do periodic status checks
> (actually init can check the status of processes it stared directly, but I'm
> sure you know that).

No. I didn't mention this.


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