[ClusterLabs] DRBD failover in Pacemaker

Greg Woods woods at ucar.edu
Wed Sep 7 14:51:36 UTC 2016

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 1:04 PM, Devin Ortner <
Devin.Ortner at gtshq.onmicrosoft.com> wrote:

> Master/Slave Set: ClusterDBclone [ClusterDB]
>      Masters: [ node1 ]
>      Slaves: [ node2 ]
>  ClusterFS      (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started node1

As Digimer said, you really need fencing when you are using DRBD. Otherwise
it's only a matter of time before your shared filesystem gets corrupted.

You also need an order constraint to be sure that the ClusterFS Filesystem
does not start until after the Master DRBD resource, and a colocation
constraint to ensure these are on the same node.

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