[ClusterLabs] kind=Optional order constraint not working at startup

Auer, Jens jens.auer at cgi.com
Wed Sep 21 13:10:25 UTC 2016


in my cluster setup I have a couple of resources from which I need to start some in specific order. Basically I have two cloned resources that should start after mounting a DRBD filesystem on all nodes plus one resource that start after the clone sets. It is important that this only impacts the startup procedure. Once the system is running stopping or starting one of the clone resources should not impact the other resource's state. From reading the manual, this should be what a local constraint with kind=Optional implements. However, when I start the cluster the filesystem is started after the otehr resources ignoring the ordering constraint.

My cluster configuration:
pcs cluster setup --name MDA1PFP MDA1PFP-PCS01,MDA1PFP-S01 MDA1PFP-PCS02,MDA1PFP-S02
pcs cluster start --all
sleep 5
crm_attribute --type nodes --node MDA1PFP-PCS01 --name ServerRole --update PRIME
crm_attribute --type nodes --node MDA1PFP-PCS02 --name ServerRole --update BACKUP
pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
pcs resource defaults resource-stickiness=100

rm -f mda; pcs cluster cib mda
pcs -f mda property set no-quorum-policy=ignore

pcs -f mda resource create mda-ip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 nic=bond0 op monitor interval=1s
pcs -f mda constraint location mda-ip prefers MDA1PFP-PCS01=50
pcs -f mda resource create ping ocf:pacemaker:ping dampen=5s multiplier=1000 host_list=pf-pep-dev-1  params timeout=1 attempts=3  op monitor interval=1 --clone
pcs -f mda constraint location mda-ip rule score=-INFINITY pingd lt 1 or not_defined pingd

pcs -f mda resource create ACTIVE ocf:heartbeat:dummy
pcs -f mda constraint colocation add ACTIVE with mda-ip score=INFINITY

pcs -f mda resource create drbd1 ocf:linbit:drbd drbd_resource=shared_fs op monitor interval=60s
pcs -f mda resource master drbd1_sync drbd1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true
pcs -f mda constraint colocation add master drbd1_sync with mda-ip score=INFINITY

pcs -f mda resource create shared_fs Filesystem device="/dev/drbd1" directory=/shared_fs fstype="xfs"
pcs -f mda constraint order promote drbd1_sync then start shared_fs
pcs -f mda constraint colocation add shared_fs with master drbd1_sync score=INFINITY 

pcs -f mda resource create supervisor ocf:pfpep:supervisor params config="/shared_fs/pfpep.ini" --clone 
pcs -f mda resource create snmpAgent ocf:pfpep:snmpAgent params config="/shared_fs/pfpep.ini" --clone
pcs -f mda resource create clusterSwitchNotification ocf:pfpep:clusterSwitch params config="/shared_fs/pfpep.ini"

pcs -f mda constraint order start shared_fs then snmpAgent-clone  kind=Optional
pcs -f mda constraint order start shared_fs then supervisor-clone kind=Optional
pcs -f mda constraint order start snmpAgent-clone then supervisor-clone kind=Optional
pcs -f mda constraint order start supervisor-clone then clusterSwitchNotification kind=Optional
pcs -f mda constraint colocation add clusterSwitchNotification with shared_fs score=INFINITY

pcs cluster cib-push mda

The order of resource startup in the log file is:
Sep 21 13:01:21 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation snmpAgent_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=40, rc=0, cib-update=82, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:21 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation drbd1_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=39, rc=0, cib-update=83, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:23 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation ping_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=38, rc=0, cib-update=85, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:23 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation supervisor_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=45, rc=0, cib-update=88, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:28 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation ACTIVE_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=48, rc=0, cib-update=94, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:28 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation mda-ip_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=47, rc=0, cib-update=96, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:28 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation clusterSwitchNotification_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=50, rc=0, cib-update=98, confirmed=true)
Sep 21 13:01:28 MDA1PFP-S01 crmd[2760]:  notice: Operation shared_fs_start_0: ok (node=MDA1PFP-PCS01, call=57, rc=0, cib-update=101, confirmed=true)

Why is the shared file system started after the other resources?

Best wishes,

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