[ClusterLabs] Change disk

NetLink netlink at netlink.com.br
Wed Sep 14 16:30:34 CEST 2016

My two node email server cluster uses corosync 1.4.2.

The device /dev/drbd3, which only holds the email data in a separated disk,
is running out of space.

To change the two disks for bigger ones I'm thinking to use the following

1.            Put node 2 in standby

2.            Change and configure the new bigger disk on node 2

3.            Put node 2 back online and wait for syncing.

4.            Put node 1 in standby and repeat the procedure

Would this approach work? 

I'm concerned if the meta data of the new disk created on node 2 with
drdbadm create-md r3 would conflict with node 1. 

Or even better, is there a 'how to' specific for this case?


Best regards


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