[ClusterLabs] group resources without order behavior / monitor timeout smaller than interval?

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Wed Sep 14 21:41:10 CEST 2016

On 09/14/2016 03:01 AM, Stefan Bauer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to understand some cluster internals and would be happy to
> get some best practice recommendations:
> monitor interval and timeout: shouldn't timeout value always be smaller
> than interval to avoid another check even though the first is not over yet?

The cluster handles it intelligently. If the previous monitor is still
in progress when the interval expires, it won't run another one.

It certainly makes sense that the timeout will generally be smaller than
the interval, but there may be cases where a monitor on rare occasions
takes a long time, and the user wants the high timeout for those
occasions, but a shorter interval that will be used most of the time.

> Additionally i would like to use the group function to put all my VMS
> (ocf:heartbeat:VirtualDomain) in one group and colocate the group with
> the VIP and my LVM-volume. Unfortunately group function starts the
> resources in the listed order. So if i stop one VM, the following VMs
> are also stopped.
> Right now I'm having the following configuration and want to make it
> less redundant:

You can use one ordering constraint and one colocation constraint, each
with two resource sets, one containing the IP and volume with
sequential=true, and the other containing the VMs with sequential=false.


> # never let the stonith_service run on the host to stonith
> location l_st_srv20 st_ipmi_srv20 -inf: srv20
> location l_st_srv21 st_ipmi_srv21 -inf: srv21
> # do not run resources on quorum only node
> location loc_r_lvm_vg-storage_quorum_only_node r_lvm_vg-storage -inf:
> quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_ado01_quorum_only_node r_vm_ado01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_bar01_quorum_only_node r_vm_bar01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_cmt01_quorum_only_node r_vm_cmt01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_con01_quorum_only_node r_vm_con01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_con02_quorum_only_node r_vm_con02 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_dsm01_quorum_only_node r_vm_dsm01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_jir01_quorum_only_node r_vm_jir01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_jir02_quorum_only_node r_vm_jir02 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_prx02_quorum_only_node r_vm_prx02 -inf: quorum_only_node
> location loc_r_vm_src01_quorum_only_node r_vm_src01 -inf: quorum_only_node
> # colocate ip with lvm storage
> colocation col_r_Failover_IP_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_Failover_IP
> r_lvm_vg-storage
> # colocate each VM with lvm storage
> colocation col_r_vm_ado01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_ado01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_bar01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_bar01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_cmt01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_cmt01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_con01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_jir01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_con02_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_con02 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_dsm01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_dsm01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_jir01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_con01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_jir02_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_jir02 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_prx02_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_prx02 r_lvm_vg-storage
> colocation col_r_vm_src01_r_lvm_vg-storage inf: r_vm_src01 r_lvm_vg-storage
> # start lvm storage before VIP
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_Failover_IP inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_Failover_IP
> # start lvm storage before each VM
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_ado01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_ado01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_bar01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_bar01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_cmt01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_cmt01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_con01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_con01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_con02 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_con02
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_dsm01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_dsm01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_jir01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_jir01
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_jir02 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_jir02
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_prx02 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_prx02
> order ord_r_lvm_vg-storage_r_vm_src01 inf: r_lvm_vg-storage r_vm_src01
> any help is greatly appreciated.
> thank you.
> Stefan

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