[ClusterLabs] Antw: Not failover resources to standby node, having VIP check error on standby node.

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Fri Nov 25 11:50:59 UTC 2016

Configure fencing ot think yourself!: If the IP is on one node, you cannot have
it on the other node, right?

>>> "Siwakoti, Ganesh" <ganesh at agile.ne.jp> schrieb am 25.11.2016 um 12:06 in
<CAKrZTM+k9_us5dsz02MU4OjsTQYys98A_GWF1YZ2jyTKse6LaA at mail.gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I having some problems with VIP error when fail Active node. My details are
> below:
> OS : Ubuntu precise (12.04.4 LTS)
> Pacemaker : Pacemaker 1.1.6
> Corosync : version  1.4.2
> Im using Two nodes for failover (Active/Standby) but when I killed process
> manually by  “ps aux | grep “corosync” | grep -v grep | awk '{ print
$2 }'
> | xargs kill -9” this command it’s not failover to Standby node,
> node is failed to get VIP and having error on standby node with
> “vip-local-check_start_0 (node=pm1.local, call=26, rc=1,
> unknown error” this error.after all this VIP is still having with first
> node which is already OFF. What is the actual problem and can I fixed this
> problem?
> This is my cofiguration:
> node pm1.local
> node pm2.local
> primitive asterisk ocf:heartbeat:asterisk \
> params binary="/usr/sbin/asterisk" canary_binary="astcanary"
> additional_parameters="-vvvg -I" config="/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf"
> root" group="root" additional_parameters="-vvvg -I" realtime="true"
> ="32768" \
> meta migration-threshold="2" \
> op monitor interval="20s" timeout="30s" start-delay="5s" \
> op stop on-fail="ignore" interval="0s"
> primitive changeSrcIp ocf:pacemaker:changeSrcIp \
> params vip="" mask="23" device="eth0" \
> op start interval="0s" timeout="0" \
> op monitor interval="10s" \
> op stop on-fail="ignore" interval="0s"
> primitive setDefaultGateway ocf:pacemaker:setDefaultGateway \
> params gateway="" device="eth0" \
> op start interval="0s" timeout="0" \
> op monitor start-delay="10s" interval="20s" \
> op stop on-fail="ignore" interval="0s"
> primitive stonithPM1 stonith:external/ssh \
> params nodename="pm1.local" ipaddr="" userid="root" passwd="
> 0000"
> primitive vip-local ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \
> params ip="" cidr_netmask="23" broadcast="" nic
> ="eth0" iflabel="0" \
> op start interval="0" timeout="20s" \
> op monitor interval="5s" timeout="20s" on-fail="ignore" \
> op stop on-fail="ignore" interval="0"
> primitive vip-local-check ocf:heartbeat:VIPcheck \
> params target_ip="" count="1" wait="5" \
> op start interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="ignore" \
> op stop on-fail="ignore" interval="0s" \
> op monitor interval="0s" timeout="60s" on-fail="ignore"
> group TestService vip-local-check vip-local changeSrcIp asterisk
> setDefaultGateway stonithPM1
> property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" \
> have-watchdog="false" \
> dc-version="1.1.6-9971ebba4494012a93c03b40a2c58ec0eb60f50c" \
> cluster-infrastructure="openais" \
> expected-quorum-votes="2" \
> stonith-enabled="false" \
> no-quorum-policy="ignore" \
> enable-startup-probes="false" \
> maintenance-mode="false" \
> startup-fencing="false" \
> dc-deadtime="20s" \
> last-lrm-refresh="1480070336" \
> placement-strategy="balanced"
> rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" \
> resource-stickiness="INFINITY" \
> migration-threshold="1"
> Thanks and Regards,
> Siwakoti Ganesh

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