[ClusterLabs] [cluster Labs] standby and unstandby commands

Omar Jaber omarj at mellanox.com
Fri Nov 25 22:33:51 UTC 2016

Hi all ,
I have cluster contains three  nodes  with different sore  for location  constrain and  I have  group resource
Running  on the  node  the  have  the highest score  for   location constrain when I  try to move  the  resource  from the  node  that have  the highest sore
To other  node by run command  "pcs cluster standby <hostname for  the node that have the  highest  location constrain score>"  the  resource  stop in the  node  and  fail in new node(the resource still start-fail stat periodically )
I thought at the first the  problem  is from different sore but  I changed it and  the  problem still exist

And  when I run "pcs  status "  I  see  there  is action failed :
resource_monitor_10000 on hostname for  the new node'not running' (7): call=268, status=complete, exitreason='none',
    last-rc-change='Sat Nov 26 00:27:00 2016', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
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