[ClusterLabs] How to specify two different subnets in NFS exportfs cluster resource on RHEL 7?

MOLLO RICCARDO (Fornitori Gruppo ISP) riccardo.mollo at esternibisp.com
Mon Nov 21 09:04:18 UTC 2016

Hello guys,

I have a question:

I'm configuring a NFS export resource on a RHEL 7 cluster, and I need to let a shared directory be mountable from clients belonging to different subnetworks.
For example, the following command obviously works fine (with only one network defined):

pcs resource create TEST-EXPORTFS ocf:heartbeat:exportfs clientspec= options=rw,sync,no_root_squash directory=/test fsid=1

but how can I add a second network in the "clientspec" parameter (for example: so clients from both subnets can mount the shared directory?
It's easy to do using the good old /etc/exports, but no idea about doing this via exportfs cluster resource.

I haven't been able to find any help in the official documentation (neither from RedHat nor from Linux-HA).

Thanks in advance for any precious help.


Riccardo Mollo

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