[ClusterLabs] bug in crm shell (SLES11 SP4)? required parameters not checked

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Tue May 10 11:52:53 UTC 2016


I think I found this bug in crm shell (crmsh-2.1.2+git132.gbc9fde0-7.2):

When defining a new primitive, required parameters are not checked (I'm using my own RA, but any RA should do):

crm(live)configure# primitive bad ocf:xola:iotwatch

But when I edit the primitive the error is detected:

crm(live)configure# edit bad
WARNING: bad: default timeout 20s for stop is smaller than the advised 90s
ERROR: bad: required parameter target not defined
Edit or discard changes (yes to edit, no to discard) (y/n)?

Minor wish: Maybe put the parameter names in some quotes to help human eyes... "target"


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