[ClusterLabs] OpenStack Summit - Austin recap

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Tue May 3 17:08:44 UTC 2016

Hi all,

Last week's OpenStack Summit in Austin, Texas, was quite an event --
equal parts spectacle and substance. ;-)

OpenStack -- the FOSS world's paradigm shifter for cloud infrastructure
-- is a growing part of the Pacemaker user base.

Thanks to the users who showed up for the ClusterLabs lunch meet-up. We
had people from SuSE, Red Hat, and NTT, and folks from LINBIT were
around the conference as well. Additionally, there were technical
meetings with much the same participants to discuss OpenStack's emerging
"instance HA" efforts.

My photography skills could use some improvement, but I did get a couple
of snapshots: http://people.redhat.com/kgaillot/atx-2016/

For those who couldn't make it (and even for those who did but could use
a refresher), videos of every presentation at the summit are available
at https://www.openstack.org/videos/summits/show/6

In particular, anyone interested in HA and OpenStack should check out
Adam Spiers and Dawid Deja's excellent presentation on the state of
instance HA:

I was a bit surprised by how many presenters claimed "HA" as part of
their topic's features, but when pressed, said their HA solution was
either planned for the future, or couldn't handle split-brain. It seems
we still have a lot of work to do to raise awareness of what true HA means.
Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com>

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