[ClusterLabs] notify action asynchronous ?

Ken Gaillot kgaillot at redhat.com
Thu May 12 18:11:15 CEST 2016

On 05/12/2016 04:37 AM, Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais wrote:
> Le Sun, 8 May 2016 16:35:25 +0200,
> Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais <jgdr at dalibo.com> a écrit :
>> Le Sat, 7 May 2016 00:27:04 +0200,
>> Jehan-Guillaume de Rorthais <jgdr at dalibo.com> a écrit :
>>> Le Wed, 4 May 2016 09:55:34 -0500,
>>> Ken Gaillot <kgaillot at redhat.com> a écrit :
>> ...
>>>> There would be no point in the pre-promote notify waiting for the
>>>> attribute value to be retrievable, because the cluster isn't going to
>>>> wait for the pre-promote notify to finish before calling promote.
>>> Oh, this is surprising. I thought the pseudo action
>>> "*_confirmed-pre_notify_demote_0" in the transition graph was a wait for
>>> each resource clone return code before going on with the transition. The
>>> graph is confusing, if the cluster isn't going to wait for the pre-promote
>>> notify to finish before calling promote, I suppose some arrows should point
>>> directly from start (or post-start-notify?) action directly to the promote
>>> action then, isn't it?
>>> This is quite worrying as our RA rely a lot on notifications. As instance,
>>> we try to recover a PostgreSQL instance during pre-start or pre-demote if we
>>> detect a recover action...
>> I'm coming back on this point.
>> Looking at this documentation page:
>> http://clusterlabs.org/doc/en-US/Pacemaker/1.1/html/Pacemaker_Explained/s-config-testing-changes.html
>> I can read "Arrows indicate ordering dependencies".
>> Looking at the transition graph I am studying (see attachment, a simple
>> master resource move), I still don't understand how the cluster isn't going to
>> wait for a pre-promote notify to finish before calling promote.
>> So either I misunderstood your words or I miss something else important, which
>> is quite possible as I am fairly new to this word. Anyway, I try to make a
>> RA as robust as possible and any lights/docs are welcome!
> I tried to trigger this potential asynchronous behavior of the notify action,
> but couldn't observe it.
> I added different sleep period in the notify action for each node of my cluster:
>   * 10s for hanode1
>   * 15s for hanode2
>   * 20s for hanode3
> The master was on hanode1 and  the DC was hanode1. While moving the master
> resource to hanode2, I can see in the log files that the DC is always
> waiting for the rc of hanode3 before triggering the next action in the
> transition.
> So, **in pratice**, it seems the notify action is synchronous. In theory now, I
> still wonder if I misunderstood your words...

I think you're right, and I was mistaken. The asynchronicity most likely
comes purely from crm_attribute not waiting for the value to be set and
propagated to all nodes.

I think I was confusing clone notifications with the new alerts feature,
which is asynchronous. We named that "alerts" to try to avoid such
confusion, but my brain hasn't gotten the memo yet ;)

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