[ClusterLabs] Cluster goes to unusable state if fencing resource is down

Arjun Pandey apandepublic at gmail.com
Fri Mar 18 07:58:14 UTC 2016


I am running a 2 node cluster with this config on centos 6.6  where i
have a multi-state resource foo being run in master/slave mode and  a
bunch of floating IP addresses configured. Additionally i have a
collocation constraint for the IP addr to be collocated with the

When i configure fencing using fence_ilo4 agents things work fine.
However during testing i was trying out a case where the ilo cable is
plugged out. In this case the entire cluster is brought down.

I understand that this seems to be a safer solution to ensure
correctness and consistency of the systems. However my requirement was
to still keep it operational since the application and the floating ip
are still up. Is there a way to acheive this ?

Also considering a case where there is a multi node cluster ( more
than 10 nodes )  and one of the machines just goes down along with the
ilo resource for that node. Does it really make sense to bring the
services down even when the rest of nodes are up ?

Thanks in advance


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