[ClusterLabs] Pacemaker issue lsb service

Thorsten Stremetzne clusterlabs at webants.com
Sat Mar 5 14:17:05 UTC 2016

Hello all,

I have built an HA setup for a OpenVPN server.
In my setup there are two hosts, running Ubuntu Linux, pacemaker & chorosync. Also both hosts have a virtual IP which migrates to the host that is active, when the other fails. This works well, but I also configured a primitive for the openvpn-server init scrip, via

crm configure primitive failover-openvpnas lsb::openvpnas op monitor interval=15s

The service will be added, but it will always fail, due to the syslog, the init script will be called in a wrong way.
I'm in troubles debugging how pacemaker will try to start/stop the service on the hosts.

Can someone please assist me with some ideas and suggestions?

Thanks very much


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